Exact Match:
- scorch
- a discoloration caused by heat
- a plant disease that produces a browning or scorched appearance of plant tissues
- a surface burn
- become scorched or singed under intense heat or dry conditions; "The exposed tree scorched in the hot sun"
- destroy completely by or as if by fire; "The wildfire scorched the forest and several homes"; "the invaders scorched the land"
- become superficially burned; "my eyebrows singed when I bent over the flames"
- abrade,
- abrasion,
- air-dry,
- anhydrate,
- assail,
- attack,
- attaint,
- bake,
- ball the jack,
- bark,
- barrel,
- be in heat,
- bedaub,
- besmear,
- besmirch,
- besmoke,
- bestain,
- blacken,
- blaze,
- blemish,
- blister,
- bloody,
- bloom,
- blot,
- blur,
- boil,
- boom,
- bowl along,
- brand,
- break,
- breeze,
- breeze along,
- broil,
- brush,
- burn,
- burn in,
- burn off,
- cast,
- castigate,
- cauterize,
- chafe,
- char,
- check,
- chip,
- choke,
- claw,
- clip,
- coal,
- combust,
- concussion,
- cook,
- crack,
- crackle,
- craze,
- cupel,
- cure,
- cut,
- cut along,
- darken,
- daub,
- dehumidify,
- dehydrate,
- desiccate,
- dirty,
- discolor,
- drain,
- dry,
- evaporate,
- excoriate,
- exsiccate,
- fire,
- flame,
- flame up,
- flare,
- flare up,
- flash burn,
- flay,
- fleet,
- flicker,
- flit,
- flush,
- fly,
- fly low,
- foot,
- found,
- fracture,
- fray,
- frazzle,
- fret,
- fry,
- fustigate,
- gall,
- gash,
- gasp,
- glow,
- go fast,
- highball,
- hurt,
- incandesce,
- incise,
- incision,
- injure,
- injury,
- insolate,
- kiln,
- lacerate,
- laceration,
- lash,
- lesion,
- maim,
- make knots,
- make mincemeat of,
- mark,
- mat burn,
- maul,
- melt,
- mortal wound,
- mummify,
- mutilate,
- mutilation,
- nip,
- outstrip the wind,
- oxidate,
- oxidize,
- pant,
- parch,
- pierce,
- plot,
- pour it on,
- puncture,
- pyrolyze,
- radiate heat,
- rend,
- rent,
- rip,
- roast,
- rub,
- run,
- rupture,
- savage,
- scald,
- scarify,
- scathe,
- scotch,
- scourge,
- scrape,
- scratch,
- scuff,
- sear,
- second-degree burn,
- seethe,
- shimmer with heat,
- shrivel,
- simmer,
- singe,
- sizzle,
- skim,
- skin,
- skin alive,
- slash,
- slit,
- slubber,
- slur,
- smear,
- smirch,
- smoke,
- smolder,
- smother,
- soak up,
- soil,
- solder,
- sore,
- spark,
- speed,
- sponge,
- sprain,
- stab,
- stab wound,
- stain,
- steam,
- stew,
- stick,
- stifle,
- stigmatize,
- storm along,
- strain,
- suffocate,
- sun,
- sun-dry,
- sunburn,
- sunscald,
- swab,
- sweat,
- sweep,
- swelter,
- swinge,
- taint,
- tarnish,
- tear,
- tear along,
- third-degree burn,
- thunder along,
- toast,
- torrefy,
- towel,
- trauma,
- traumatize,
- trounce,
- vesicate,
- vulcanize,
- weazen,
- weld,
- whisk,
- whiz,
- windburn,
- wipe,
- wither,
- wizen,
- wound,
- wounds immedicable,
- wrench,
- zing,
- zip,
- zoom