Exact Match:
- seamy
- morally degraded; "a seedy district"; "the seamy side of life"; "sleazy characters hanging around casinos"; "sleazy storefronts with...dirt on the walls"- Seattle Weekly; "the sordid details of his orgies stank under his very nostrils"- James Joyce; "the squalid atmosphere of intrigue and betrayal"
- showing a seam
- abhorrent,
- contemptible,
- dark,
- degenerate,
- degraded,
- depraved,
- derogatory,
- discreditable,
- dishonorable,
- disreputable,
- distasteful,
- foul,
- ignoble,
- ignominious,
- infamous,
- inglorious,
- low,
- nasty,
- notorious,
- odious,
- repellent,
- repulsive,
- rotten,
- scurvy,
- shady,
- shameful,
- sordid,
- squalid,
- ugly,
- unattractive,
- unpalatable,
- unpraiseworthy,
- unrespectable,
- unsavory,
- unseemly,
- unwholesome,
- vile