Exact Match:
- shame
- a painful emotion resulting from an awareness of inadequacy or guilt
- a state of dishonor; "one mistake brought shame to all his family"; "suffered the ignominy of being sent to prison"
- surpass or beat by a wide margin
- cause to be ashamed
- compel through a sense of shame; "She shamed him into making amends"
- abasement,
- abash,
- abashment,
- abomination,
- apologies,
- atrocity,
- attrition,
- ayenbite of inwit,
- bad,
- besmirch,
- bitterness,
- blacken,
- bring down,
- bring into discredit,
- bring low,
- bring shame upon,
- bully,
- burning shame,
- byword,
- byword of reproach,
- calamity,
- calumniate,
- calumniation,
- cast reproach upon,
- catastrophe,
- chagrin,
- chasten,
- coerce,
- comedown,
- contempt,
- contriteness,
- contrition,
- coyness,
- debase,
- debasement,
- decency,
- decorousness,
- decorum,
- defamation,
- defame,
- deflate,
- deflation,
- defrock,
- degradation,
- degrade,
- delicacy,
- denigration,
- deplume,
- derogation,
- descent,
- desecration,
- diffidence,
- dirty shame,
- disaster,
- disconcert,
- discountenance,
- discredit,
- disesteem,
- disfavor,
- disgrace,
- dishonor,
- disparagement,
- displume,
- disrepute,
- drive,
- dump,
- eclipse,
- elegance,
- embarrass,
- embarrassment,
- error,
- evil,
- force,
- grief,
- guilt,
- hangdog look,
- humble,
- humbled pride,
- humiliate,
- humiliation,
- humility,
- ignominy,
- impute shame to,
- infamy,
- iniquity,
- knavery,
- let down,
- letdown,
- low-down dirty shame,
- modesty,
- mortification,
- mortify,
- obliquity,
- obloquy,
- odium,
- opprobrium,
- outclass,
- outdo,
- outrage,
- outshine,
- outstrip,
- overshadow,
- peccancy,
- pillory,
- pity,
- profanation,
- propriety,
- prudishness,
- pudency,
- pudicity,
- push,
- put down,
- put out,
- put to shame,
- put-down,
- reflect discredit upon,
- regret,
- regretfulness,
- regrets,
- regretting,
- remorse,
- remorse of conscience,
- remorsefulness,
- repining,
- reproach,
- reprobacy,
- respectability,
- sacrilege,
- scandal,
- scandalize,
- seemliness,
- self-abasement,
- self-abnegation,
- self-diminishment,
- self-reproach,
- setdown,
- shamefacedness,
- shamefastness,
- shamefulness,
- show up,
- shyness,
- sin,
- smear,
- sorriness,
- sorrow,
- stain,
- stigmatize,
- subdue,
- suppress,
- surpass,
- taint,
- tarnish,
- terrible thing,
- timidity,
- unfrock,
- vilification,
- villainy,
- violation,
- wistfulness,
- wrong