with little or no sound; "the class was listening quietly and intently"; "she was crying quietly"
with little or no activity or no agitation (`quiet' is a nonstandard variant for `quietly'); "her hands rested quietly in her lap"; "the rock star was quietly led out the back door"; "sit here as quiet as you can"
of the sun; characterized by a low level of surface phenomena like sun spots e.g.
not showy or obtrusive; "clothes in quiet good taste"
free of noise or uproar; or making little if any sound; "a quiet audience at the concert"; "the room was dark and quiet"
characterized by an absence or near absence of agitation or activity; "a quiet life"; "a quiet throng of onlookers"; "quiet peace-loving people"; "the factions remained quiet for almost 10 years"
cool (hot metal) by plunging into cold water or other liquid; "quench steel"
reduce the degree of (luminescence or phosphorescence) in (excited molecules or a material) by adding a suitable substance
satisfy (thirst); "The cold water quenched his thirst"
electronics: suppress (sparking) when the current is cut off in an inductive circuit, or suppress (an oscillation or discharge) in a component or device