Exact Match:
- silver
- coins made of silver
- a soft white precious univalent metallic element having the highest electrical and thermal conductivity of any metal; occurs in argentite and in free form; used in coins and jewelry and tableware and photography
- having the white lustrous sheen of silver; "a land of silver (or silvern) rivers where the salmon leap"; "repeated scrubbings have given the wood a silvery sheen"
- made from or largely consisting of silver; "silver bracelets"
- turn silver; "The man's hair silvered very attractively"
- make silver in color; "Her worries had silvered her hair"
- coat with a layer of silver or a silver amalgam; "silver the necklace"
- A,
- Ag,
- Al,
- Am,
- Ar,
- As,
- At,
- Au,
- B,
- Be,
- Bi,
- C,
- Ca,
- Cb,
- Cd,
- Ce,
- Ciceronian,
- Cl,
- Cm,
- Co,
- Cr,
- Cs,
- Cu,
- Demosthenian,
- Demosthenic,
- Dy,
- E,
- Er,
- Es,
- Eu,
- F,
- Fe,
- Fm,
- Fr,
- Ga,
- Gd,
- Ge,
- H,
- Ha,
- He,
- Hf,
- Hg,
- Ho,
- I,
- In,
- Ir,
- K,
- Kr,
- La,
- Li,
- Lu,
- Lw,
- Md,
- Mg,
- Mn,
- Mo,
- Mv,
- N,
- Na,
- Nb,
- Nd,
- Ne,
- Ni,
- No,
- O,
- Os,
- P,
- Pa,
- Pb,
- Pd,
- Pm,
- Po,
- Pr,
- Pt,
- Pu,
- Quaker-colored,
- Ra,
- Rb,
- Re,
- Rf,
- Rh,
- Rn,
- Ru,
- S,
- Sb,
- Sc,
- Se,
- Si,
- Sm,
- Sn,
- Sr,
- Ta,
- Tb,
- Tc,
- Te,
- Ti,
- Tl,
- Tm,
- Tullian,
- U,
- V,
- W,
- Yb,
- Zn,
- Zr,
- achroma,
- achromasia,
- achromatosis,
- acier,
- alabaster,
- albescence,
- albinism,
- albino,
- albinoism,
- aluminum,
- americium,
- and pence,
- antimony,
- argent,
- argentine,
- argon,
- arsenic,
- articulate,
- ashen,
- ashy,
- astatine,
- aureate,
- bar,
- barium,
- berkelium,
- beryllium,
- besnow,
- bismuth,
- blanch,
- bleach,
- blondness,
- boron,
- brass,
- brassy,
- brazen,
- bright,
- bromine,
- bronze,
- bronzy,
- bullion,
- burnished,
- cadmium,
- calcium,
- canescence,
- canescent,
- carbon,
- cash,
- cerium,
- cesium,
- chalk,
- chalkiness,
- chalky,
- chlorine,
- chromium,
- cinereous,
- cinerous,
- circulating medium,
- cobalt,
- coin gold,
- coin silver,
- coinage,
- coined liberty,
- cold cash,
- columbium,
- copper,
- coppery,
- creaminess,
- cretaceous,
- cupreous,
- cuprous,
- curium,
- currency,
- cutlery,
- dapple,
- dapple-gray,
- dappled,
- dappled-gray,
- dingy,
- dining utensils,
- dismal,
- dollars,
- dove-colored,
- dove-gray,
- dreary,
- driven snow,
- dulcet,
- dull,
- dusty,
- dysprosium,
- einsteinium,
- eloquent,
- emergency money,
- erbium,
- etiolate,
- euphonious,
- europium,
- facund,
- fairness,
- felicitous,
- fermium,
- ferrous,
- ferruginous,
- filthy lucre,
- flat silver,
- flatware,
- fleece,
- fleecy-white,
- flour,
- fluorine,
- foam,
- forks,
- fractional currency,
- francium,
- frost,
- frosted,
- frostiness,
- frosty,
- gadolinium,
- gallium,
- germanium,
- gilt,
- glaucescence,
- glaucescent,
- glaucous,
- glaucousness,
- gleaming,
- glib,
- gold,
- gold nugget,
- gold-filled,
- gold-plated,
- golden,
- gray,
- gray-black,
- gray-brown,
- gray-colored,
- gray-drab,
- gray-green,
- gray-spotted,
- gray-toned,
- gray-white,
- grayed,
- grayish,
- grey,
- griseous,
- grizzle,
- grizzled,
- grizzliness,
- grizzly,
- hahnium,
- hard cash,
- hard currency,
- helium,
- hoar,
- hoariness,
- hoary,
- hollow ware,
- holmium,
- hydrogen,
- indium,
- ingot,
- iodine,
- iridium,
- iron,
- iron-gray,
- ironlike,
- ivory,
- knives,
- krypton,
- lactescence,
- lactescent,
- lanthanum,
- lawrencium,
- lead,
- lead-gray,
- leaden,
- legal tender,
- leukoderma,
- lightness,
- lily,
- lily-white,
- lithium,
- livid,
- lucre,
- lustrous,
- lutetium,
- maggot,
- magnesium,
- mammon,
- managed currency,
- manganese,
- marble,
- medium of exchange,
- mellifluent,
- mellifluous,
- melodious,
- mendelevium,
- mercurial,
- mercurous,
- mercury,
- milk,
- milkiness,
- milky,
- mintage,
- molybdenum,
- money,
- mouse-colored,
- mouse-gray,
- mousy,
- musical,
- nacreous,
- necessity money,
- neodymium,
- neon,
- neptunium,
- nickel,
- nickelic,
- nickeline,
- niobium,
- nitrogen,
- niveous,
- nugget,
- osmium,
- oxygen,
- paleness,
- palladium,
- paper,
- pearl,
- pearl-gray,
- pearliness,
- pearly,
- pelf,
- pewter,
- pewtery,
- phosphorus,
- platinum,
- plutonium,
- polished,
- polonium,
- postage currency,
- postal currency,
- potassium,
- pounds,
- praseodymium,
- precious metals,
- pretty,
- promethium,
- protactinium,
- pure white,
- quicksilver,
- radium,
- radon,
- rhenium,
- rhodium,
- rubidium,
- ruthenium,
- sad,
- samarium,
- scandium,
- scrip,
- selenium,
- sheet,
- shillings,
- shining,
- shiny,
- silicon,
- silver plate,
- silver-gray,
- silver-plated,
- silver-toned,
- silver-tongued,
- silvered,
- silveriness,
- silverware,
- silvery,
- slate-colored,
- slaty,
- slick,
- smoke-gray,
- smoky,
- smooth,
- smooth-spoken,
- smooth-tongued,
- snow,
- snow-white,
- snowiness,
- snowy,
- sober,
- sodium,
- soft currency,
- somber,
- specie,
- spellbinding,
- spoons,
- stainless-steel ware,
- steel,
- steel-gray,
- steely,
- sterling,
- stone-colored,
- strontium,
- sulfur,
- swan,
- swan-white,
- sweet,
- tablespoon,
- tableware,
- tantalum,
- taupe,
- teaspoon,
- technetium,
- tellurium,
- terbium,
- thallium,
- the almighty dollar,
- the wherewith,
- the wherewithal,
- thulium,
- tin,
- tinny,
- titanium,
- tungsten,
- uranium,
- vanadium,
- vitiligo,
- well-spoken,
- white,
- white as snow,
- white race,
- whiten,
- whiteness,
- whitishness,
- wolfram,
- xenon,
- yellow stuff,
- ytterbium,
- yttrium,
- zinc,
- zirconium