Exact Match:
- skeletal
- of or relating to or forming or attached to a skeleton; "the skeletal system"; "skeletal bones"; "skeletal muscles"
- attenuated,
- bony,
- cadaverous,
- corpselike,
- emacerated,
- emaciate,
- emaciated,
- flat,
- flat-chested,
- fleshless,
- gangling,
- gangly,
- gaunt,
- gawky,
- haggard,
- hollow-eyed,
- jejune,
- lank,
- lanky,
- lean,
- lean-fleshed,
- lean-looking,
- marantic,
- marasmic,
- meager,
- peaked,
- peaky,
- pinched,
- poor,
- puny,
- rawboned,
- scraggy,
- scrawny,
- shriveled,
- skeleton,
- skinny,
- spare,
- spidery,
- spindling,
- spindly,
- starved,
- starveling,
- tabetic,
- tabid,
- thin-bellied,
- thin-fleshed,
- twiggy,
- underfed,
- undernourished,
- undersized,
- underweight,
- wasted,
- weazeny,
- withered,
- wizened,
- wraithlike