Exact Match:
- sprinkle
- the act of sprinkling or splashing water; "baptized with a sprinkling of holy water"; "a sparge of warm water over the malt"
- scatter with liquid; wet lightly; "Sprinkle the lawn"
- cause (a liquid) to spatter about, especially with force; "She splashed the water around her"
- rain gently; "It has only sprinkled, but the roads are slick"
- Scotch mist,
- asperge,
- asperse,
- band,
- baptize,
- bar,
- bedew,
- bespangle,
- bespatter,
- bespeckle,
- bespot,
- besprinkle,
- blood rain,
- blotch,
- bread,
- check,
- checker,
- christen,
- crumb,
- dabble,
- damp,
- dampen,
- dapple,
- dash,
- dew,
- dip,
- dot,
- douche,
- dredge,
- drizzle,
- drum,
- dust,
- evening mist,
- fall,
- flake,
- fleck,
- flour,
- flurry,
- foam,
- freckle,
- froth,
- gout of rain,
- harlequin,
- hose,
- hose down,
- humect,
- humectate,
- humidify,
- immerse,
- iris,
- irrigate,
- maculate,
- marble,
- marbleize,
- mist,
- misty rain,
- mizzle,
- moisten,
- moisture,
- motley,
- mottle,
- paddle,
- patter,
- pelt,
- pepper,
- pimple,
- pitter-patter,
- plash,
- polychrome,
- polychromize,
- pour,
- pour with rain,
- powder,
- precipitate,
- precipitation,
- rain,
- rain tadpoles,
- rainbow,
- raindrop,
- rainfall,
- rainwater,
- scatter,
- shake,
- sheet of rain,
- shower,
- shower down,
- slobber,
- slop,
- slosh,
- spangle,
- sparge,
- spatter,
- speck,
- speckle,
- spindrift,
- spit,
- splash,
- splatter,
- splotch,
- sponge,
- spot,
- spray,
- spume,
- stigmatize,
- stipple,
- streak,
- stream,
- strew,
- striate,
- stripe,
- stud,
- swash,
- syringe,
- tattoo,
- tessellate,
- unfrozen hydrometeor,
- variegate,
- vein,
- water,
- weep,
- wet,
- wet down