- abhorrent,
- abominable,
- awful,
- bad,
- bad-smelling,
- barfy,
- base,
- beastly,
- below contempt,
- beneath contempt,
- besotted,
- bombed,
- boozy,
- brackish,
- bum,
- canned,
- cheesy,
- cloying,
- contemptible,
- crappy,
- creepy,
- crude,
- crummy,
- dastardly,
- despicable,
- detestable,
- dirty,
- disguised,
- disgusting,
- drunk,
- drunken,
- execrable,
- fecal,
- fetid,
- forbidding,
- foul,
- frowsty,
- frowy,
- frowzy,
- fulsome,
- funky,
- fusty,
- gamy,
- godawful,
- goshawful,
- graveolent,
- grim,
- gross,
- hairy,
- hateful,
- heinous,
- high,
- icky,
- ignoble,
- ill-smelling,
- in the bag,
- inebriated,
- intoxicated,
- loaded,
- loathsome,
- lousy,
- low,
- maggoty,
- malodorous,
- maudlin,
- mawkish,
- mean,
- mephitic,
- miasmal,
- miasmic,
- mildewed,
- mildewy,
- moldy,
- muddled,
- musty,
- nasty,
- nauseant,
- nauseating,
- nauseous,
- nidorous,
- noisome,
- noxious,
- objectionable,
- obnoxious,
- obscene,
- odious,
- odorous,
- offensive,
- olid,
- overripe,
- pie-eyed,
- pissed,
- pixilated,
- plastered,
- poisonous,
- potted,
- punk,
- putrid,
- rancid,
- rank,
- reasty,
- reasy,
- rebarbative,
- reechy,
- reeking,
- reeky,
- repellent,
- repugnant,
- repulsive,
- revolting,
- rotten,
- shitty,
- sickening,
- smashed,
- smellful,
- smelling,
- smelly,
- sozzled,
- spoiled,
- stenchy,
- stinky,
- stoned,
- strong,
- stuffy,
- sulfurous,
- tanked,
- terrible,
- tipsy,
- under the influence,
- under the weather,
- vile,
- villainous,
- vomity,
- weevily,
- woozy,
- wretched,
- yecchy,
- yucky