Exact Match:
- strangulation
- (pathology) constriction of a body part so as to cut off the flow of blood or other fluid; "strangulation of the intestine"
- the condition of having respiration stopped by compression of the air passage
- abbreviation,
- abolishment,
- abolition,
- annihilation,
- annulment,
- asphyxia,
- asphyxiation,
- astriction,
- astringency,
- bar,
- barrier,
- beheading,
- blank wall,
- blind alley,
- blind gut,
- block,
- blockade,
- blockage,
- bottleneck,
- burking,
- burning,
- capital punishment,
- cecum,
- cervix,
- choke,
- choking,
- choking off,
- circumscription,
- clog,
- coarctation,
- compactedness,
- compaction,
- compression,
- compressure,
- concentration,
- condensation,
- congestion,
- consolidation,
- constipation,
- constriction,
- constringency,
- contraction,
- contracture,
- costiveness,
- crucifixion,
- cul-de-sac,
- curtailment,
- dead end,
- decapitation,
- decollation,
- decrease,
- defenestration,
- deracination,
- diminuendo,
- drowning,
- electrocution,
- elimination,
- embolism,
- embolus,
- eradication,
- execution,
- extermination,
- extinction,
- extinguishment,
- extirpation,
- fusillade,
- garrote,
- gassing,
- gorge,
- hanging,
- hemlock,
- hourglass,
- hourglass figure,
- impasse,
- impediment,
- infarct,
- infarction,
- isthmus,
- jam,
- judicial murder,
- killing,
- knitting,
- lapidation,
- liquidation,
- liver death,
- megadeath,
- narrow place,
- narrowing,
- neck,
- necktie party,
- negation,
- nullification,
- obstacle,
- obstipation,
- obstruction,
- poisoning,
- puckering,
- purge,
- pursing,
- reduction,
- rooting out,
- sealing off,
- serum death,
- shooting,
- shortening,
- silencing,
- smotheration,
- smothering,
- snuffing out,
- solidification,
- starvation,
- stifling,
- stoning,
- stop,
- stoppage,
- stranglement,
- strangling,
- striction,
- stricture,
- suffocation,
- suppression,
- systole,
- the ax,
- the block,
- the chair,
- the gallows,
- the gas chamber,
- the guillotine,
- the hot seat,
- the rope,
- throttling,
- uprooting,
- violent death,
- voiding,
- wasp waist,
- watery grave,
- wrinkling