Exact Match:
- tag
- (sports) the act of touching a player in a game (which changes their status in the game)
- a game in which one child chases the others; the one who is caught becomes the next chaser
- a label made of cardboard or plastic or metal
- provide with a name or nickname
- attach a tag or label to; "label these bottles"
- touch a player while he is holding the ball
- supply (blank verse or prose) with rhymes
- PS,
- Parthian shot,
- Thule,
- Ultima Thule,
- accompany,
- add,
- addendum,
- adjoin,
- affix,
- afterpart,
- afterpiece,
- afterthought,
- agglutinate,
- allocate,
- allot,
- annex,
- appellation,
- appellative,
- append,
- appendix,
- appoint,
- appropriate to,
- assign,
- assign to,
- attach,
- attend,
- back matter,
- baggage check,
- banality,
- baptize,
- bedog,
- billhead,
- binomen,
- binomial name,
- bitter end,
- book stamp,
- bookplate,
- bottom dollar,
- boundary,
- brand,
- broad arrow,
- bromide,
- burden,
- butt,
- butt end,
- byword,
- cachet,
- call,
- chase,
- check,
- chip,
- chorus,
- christen,
- cliche,
- coda,
- codicil,
- cognomen,
- colophon,
- come after,
- come behind,
- complicate,
- conclusion,
- conjoin,
- consequence,
- continuance,
- continuation,
- counter,
- counterfoil,
- countermark,
- coupon,
- crumb,
- cryptonym,
- decorate,
- define,
- denominate,
- denomination,
- designate,
- designation,
- destine,
- detail,
- docket,
- dog,
- double take,
- dub,
- dying words,
- earmark,
- empty title,
- encumber,
- entitle,
- envoi,
- epilogue,
- epithet,
- eponym,
- euonym,
- extreme,
- extremity,
- fag end,
- farthest bound,
- fate,
- follow,
- follow-through,
- follow-up,
- glue on,
- go after,
- go behind,
- government mark,
- government stamp,
- hallmark,
- handle,
- hat check,
- heel,
- hitch on,
- honorific,
- hound,
- hyponym,
- identify,
- imprint,
- infix,
- join with,
- jumping-off place,
- label,
- last words,
- letterhead,
- limit,
- logo,
- logotype,
- lot,
- make assignments,
- mark,
- mark off,
- mark out for,
- marker,
- masthead,
- moniker,
- morceau,
- morsel,
- move behind,
- name,
- namesake,
- nib,
- nickname,
- nip,
- nomen,
- nomen nudum,
- nominate,
- ordain,
- ornament,
- parting shot,
- paste on,
- patch,
- peroration,
- plate,
- platitude,
- plus,
- point,
- pole,
- portion off,
- postface,
- postfix,
- postlude,
- postscript,
- prefix,
- price tag,
- proper name,
- proper noun,
- prosaicism,
- prosaism,
- pursue,
- put with,
- queue,
- refrain,
- registered trademark,
- reserve,
- restrict,
- restrict to,
- rubber stamp,
- running head,
- running title,
- saddle with,
- schedule,
- scientific name,
- scrap,
- scrip,
- seal,
- second thought,
- secret name,
- sequel,
- sequela,
- sequelae,
- sequelant,
- sequent,
- sequitur,
- set,
- set apart,
- set aside,
- set off,
- shadow,
- shibboleth,
- shiver,
- shred,
- sigil,
- signet,
- slap on,
- sliver,
- slug,
- smithereen,
- snick,
- snip,
- snippet,
- specify,
- splinter,
- stamp,
- sticker,
- stitch,
- string along,
- stub,
- stump,
- style,
- subjoin,
- subscript,
- suffix,
- superadd,
- superpose,
- supplement,
- swan song,
- tab,
- tack on,
- tag after,
- tag along,
- tag end,
- tag on,
- tail,
- tail end,
- tailgate,
- tailpiece,
- tally,
- tatter,
- tautonym,
- term,
- ticket,
- tip,
- title,
- title page,
- token,
- trade name,
- trademark,
- trademark name,
- trail,
- trail after,
- trailer,
- train,
- tread close upon,
- trinomen,
- trinomial name,
- truism,
- unite with,
- wake