Exact Match:
- tare
- counterweight consisting of an empty container that is used as a counterbalance to obtain net weight
- any of several weedy vetches grown for forage
- abatement,
- agio,
- allowance,
- bank discount,
- bones,
- breakage,
- cash discount,
- chaff,
- chain discount,
- charge-off,
- concession,
- culm,
- cut,
- deadwood,
- deduction,
- depreciation,
- discount,
- dishwater,
- draff,
- drawback,
- dregs,
- dust,
- filings,
- garbage,
- gash,
- hogwash,
- husks,
- kickback,
- leavings,
- lees,
- offal,
- offscourings,
- orts,
- parings,
- penalty,
- penalty clause,
- percentage,
- potsherds,
- premium,
- price reduction,
- price-cut,
- rags,
- raspings,
- rebate,
- rebatement,
- reduction,
- refund,
- refuse,
- rollback,
- salvage,
- scourings,
- scrap iron,
- scraps,
- scum,
- setoff,
- shards,
- shavings,
- slack,
- slag,
- slop,
- slops,
- stubble,
- sweepings,
- swill,
- tares,
- time discount,
- trade discount,
- tret,
- underselling,
- wastage,
- waste,
- waste matter,
- wastepaper,
- weeds,
- write-off