Exact Match:
- tasting
- taking a small amount into the mouth to test its quality; "cooking was fine but it was the savoring that he enjoyed most"
- a small amount (especially of food or wine)
- appetite,
- cannibalism,
- carnivorism,
- carnivority,
- carnivorousness,
- chewing,
- compotation,
- consumption,
- cropping,
- deglutition,
- devouring,
- devourment,
- dieting,
- dining,
- drinking,
- drunkenness,
- eating,
- epulation,
- feasting,
- feeding,
- gluttony,
- gobbling,
- grazing,
- gulping,
- gustation,
- guzzling,
- herbivorism,
- herbivority,
- herbivorousness,
- hunger,
- imbibing,
- imbibition,
- ingestion,
- lapping,
- licking,
- manducation,
- mastication,
- messing,
- munching,
- nibbling,
- nipping,
- nutrition,
- omnivorism,
- omnivorousness,
- omophagy,
- pantophagy,
- pasture,
- pasturing,
- pecking,
- potation,
- pulling,
- quaffing,
- regalement,
- relishing,
- rumination,
- savoring,
- slipping,
- swigging,
- swilling,
- symposium,
- vegetarianism,
- wolfing