Exact Match:
- teasing
- playful vexation; "the parody was just a form of teasing"
- arousing sexual desire without intending to satisfy it; "her lazy teasing smile"
- aggravating,
- alluring,
- annoying,
- appealing,
- appetizing,
- attractive,
- bantering,
- beguiling,
- bewitching,
- blandishing,
- blandishment,
- booing,
- bothering,
- bothersome,
- buttonholing,
- cajolement,
- cajolery,
- cajoling,
- captivating,
- catcalling,
- catching,
- chaffing,
- charismatic,
- charming,
- coaxing,
- come-hither,
- coquettish,
- demanding,
- derisive,
- derisory,
- disappointing,
- disturbing,
- dunning,
- enchanting,
- engaging,
- enravishing,
- enthralling,
- enticing,
- entrancing,
- exasperating,
- exciting,
- exotic,
- falling short,
- fascinating,
- fetching,
- fleering,
- flippant,
- flirtatious,
- fooling,
- galling,
- glamorous,
- grinning,
- harassing,
- hazing,
- hissing,
- hooting,
- hypnotic,
- importunate,
- importunateness,
- importune,
- importunity,
- insistent,
- interesting,
- intriguing,
- inviting,
- irking,
- irksome,
- irresistible,
- irritating,
- jeering,
- jesting,
- joking,
- jollying,
- joshing,
- kidding,
- leering,
- mesmeric,
- mocking,
- mouth-watering,
- nagging,
- panning,
- pesky,
- pestering,
- pestiferous,
- pestilent,
- pestilential,
- piquant,
- plaguesome,
- plaguey,
- plaguing,
- plying,
- prepossessing,
- pressing,
- pressure,
- provocative,
- provoking,
- provoquant,
- quizzical,
- ragging,
- railing,
- rallying,
- ravishing,
- razzing,
- ribbing,
- ridiculing,
- roasting,
- scoffing,
- second best,
- seducing,
- seductive,
- siren,
- sirenic,
- smart,
- smart-alecky,
- smart-ass,
- smirking,
- sneering,
- snickering,
- sniggering,
- snorting,
- spellbinding,
- spellful,
- taking,
- tantalizing,
- taunting,
- tempting,
- tickling,
- tiresome,
- titillating,
- titillative,
- tormenting,
- troublesome,
- troubling,
- twitting,
- unsatisfactory,
- urgency,
- urgent,
- urging,
- vexatious,
- vexing,
- wearisome,
- wheedling,
- winning,
- winsome,
- witching,
- worrisome,
- worrying