Exact Match:
- torture
- the deliberate, systematic, or wanton infliction of physical or mental suffering by one or more persons in an attempt to force another person to yield information or to make a confession or for any other reason; "it required unnatural torturing to extract a confession"
- unbearable physical pain
- subject to torture; "The sinners will be tormented in Hell, according to the Bible"
- Procrustean bed,
- abuse,
- afflict,
- aggrieve,
- agonize,
- agonizingness,
- agony,
- ail,
- anguish,
- atrocious pain,
- bed of Procrustes,
- befoul,
- bewitch,
- bias,
- bite,
- blight,
- bloody,
- boot,
- burn,
- chafe,
- claw,
- clawing,
- color,
- condemn,
- confinement,
- contort,
- convulse,
- corrupt,
- cruciation,
- crucifixion,
- crucify,
- curse,
- cut,
- damage,
- defile,
- deprave,
- desolate,
- desolateness,
- desolation,
- despoil,
- destroy,
- disadvantage,
- dismember,
- dismemberment,
- disserve,
- distort,
- distress,
- do a mischief,
- do evil,
- do ill,
- do wrong,
- do wrong by,
- doom,
- draw and quarter,
- envenom,
- estrapade,
- excruciate,
- excruciatingness,
- excruciation,
- fester,
- fret,
- gall,
- galleys,
- garble,
- get into trouble,
- get one wrong,
- get wrong,
- give pain,
- gloss,
- gnaw,
- grate,
- grill,
- grind,
- gripe,
- harass,
- hard labor,
- harm,
- harrow,
- heartbreak,
- heartsickness,
- hell,
- hell upon earth,
- hex,
- holocaust,
- horror,
- hurt,
- impair,
- impale,
- impalement,
- imprisonment,
- incarceration,
- infect,
- inflame,
- inflict pain,
- injure,
- iron heel,
- irritate,
- jailing,
- jinx,
- keelhaul,
- keelhauling,
- kill by inches,
- lacerate,
- laceration,
- lancinate,
- lancination,
- macerate,
- maim,
- maltreat,
- mangle,
- martyr,
- martyrdom,
- martyrization,
- martyrize,
- menace,
- misapply,
- misapprehend,
- miscite,
- misconceive,
- misconstrue,
- misdeem,
- misdirect,
- misexplain,
- misexplicate,
- misexpound,
- misinterpret,
- misjudge,
- misquote,
- misread,
- misrender,
- misrepresent,
- misshape,
- mistake,
- mistranslate,
- mistreat,
- misunderstand,
- misuse,
- molest,
- mutilate,
- nightmare,
- nip,
- oppress,
- outrage,
- pain,
- passion,
- penal servitude,
- persecute,
- persecution,
- pervert,
- picket,
- picketing,
- pierce,
- pinch,
- play havoc with,
- play hob with,
- poison,
- pollute,
- prejudice,
- prick,
- prolong the agony,
- punish,
- purgatory,
- put to torture,
- rack,
- railriding,
- rankle,
- rasp,
- rip,
- rock pile,
- rub,
- savage,
- scarify,
- scarpines,
- scathe,
- screw,
- slant,
- smite,
- squeeze,
- stab,
- sting,
- strain,
- strain the sense,
- strappado,
- taint,
- tar and feather,
- tar-and-feathering,
- the gantlet,
- threaten,
- thumbscrew,
- torment,
- tormentingness,
- torturousness,
- try,
- tweak,
- twist,
- twist the words,
- varnish,
- violate,
- warp,
- wheel,
- wind,
- wound,
- wreak havoc on,
- wrench,
- wring,
- wrong