Exact Match:
- unattractive
- lacking beauty or charm; "as unattractive as most mining regions"
- lacking power to arouse interest; "being unemployed is a most unattractive prospect"
- not appealing to the senses; "untempting food"
- beautiless,
- bitter,
- blemished,
- blotted,
- cacophonic,
- cacophonous,
- defaced,
- disagreeable,
- disfigured,
- dislikable,
- displeasing,
- distasteful,
- dysphemistic,
- dysphemized,
- homely,
- inelegant,
- marred,
- plain,
- short on looks,
- sour,
- spoiled,
- thankless,
- uglified,
- ugly,
- ugly as hell,
- ugly as sin,
- unaesthetic,
- unalluring,
- unappealing,
- unappetizing,
- unbeauteous,
- unbeautiful,
- uncomely,
- undelectable,
- undelicious,
- undesirable,
- unengaging,
- unenjoyable,
- unhandsome,
- uninviting,
- unlikable,
- unlovely,
- unpalatable,
- unpleasant,
- unpleasing,
- unpretty,
- unsavory,
- unsightly,
- untasteful,
- unwelcome