Exact Match:
- unfortunate
- a person who suffers misfortune
- unsuitable or regrettable; "an unfortunate choice of words"; "an unfortunate speech"
- not favored by fortune; marked or accompanied by or resulting in ill fortune; "an unfortunate turn of events"; "an unfortunate decision"; "unfortunate investments"; "an unfortunate night for all concerned"
- abortive,
- afflictive,
- apocalyptic,
- awful,
- awkward,
- bad,
- badly off,
- baleful,
- baneful,
- black,
- bodeful,
- boding,
- bootless,
- calamitous,
- catastrophic,
- cursed,
- dark,
- deplorable,
- depressed,
- dire,
- disastrous,
- dismal,
- distressing,
- disturbing,
- donsie,
- doomed,
- doomful,
- dreary,
- evil,
- evil-starred,
- failed,
- failing,
- fatal,
- fateful,
- foreboding,
- forlorn,
- fortuneless,
- fruitless,
- funest,
- futile,
- gloomy,
- graceless,
- grievous,
- hapless,
- hard-luck guy,
- hardcase,
- heartbreaking,
- ill,
- ill off,
- ill-advised,
- ill-boding,
- ill-chosen,
- ill-considered,
- ill-fated,
- ill-omened,
- ill-seasoned,
- ill-starred,
- ill-suited,
- ill-timed,
- impolitic,
- improper,
- in adverse circumstances,
- inadvisable,
- inappropriate,
- inapt,
- inauspicious,
- incongruous,
- inconvenient,
- ineffective,
- ineffectual,
- inefficacious,
- inept,
- inexpedient,
- infelicitous,
- inopportune,
- intempestive,
- intrusive,
- irrelevant,
- lame,
- lamentable,
- late,
- loser,
- lowering,
- luckless,
- mal a propos,
- malapropos,
- malefic,
- manque,
- menacing,
- miscarried,
- miscarrying,
- miserable,
- mistimed,
- of evil portent,
- of no effect,
- off base,
- ominous,
- out of line,
- out of luck,
- out of phase,
- out of place,
- out of time,
- pathetic,
- pitiable,
- planet-struck,
- poor,
- poor unfortunate,
- portending,
- portentous,
- premature,
- regrettable,
- ruinous,
- sad,
- sad sack,
- schlemiel,
- schlimazel,
- short of luck,
- sinister,
- somber,
- star-crossed,
- starred,
- stickit,
- stillborn,
- successless,
- sure loser,
- terrible,
- threatening,
- too late,
- too soon,
- tragic,
- unbefitting,
- unblessed,
- underprivileged,
- undesirable,
- unfavorable,
- unfit,
- unfitting,
- unhandy,
- unhappy,
- unlucky,
- unmeet,
- unprofitable,
- unpromising,
- unpropitious,
- unprosperous,
- unprovidential,
- unready,
- unripe,
- unseasonable,
- unseemly,
- unsuccessful,
- unsuitable,
- untimely,
- untoward,
- unwise,
- upsetting,
- useless,
- victim,
- woebegone,
- woeful,
- wretched,
- wrong