Exact Match:
- unfriendly
- not disposed to friendship or friendliness; "an unfriendly coldness of manner"; "an unfriendly action to take"
- not easy to understand or use; "user-unfriendly"
- not friendly; "an unfriendly act of aggression"; "an inimical critic"
- adversary,
- adversative,
- adverse,
- aggressive,
- alien,
- allergic,
- antagonistic,
- anti,
- antipathetic,
- antithetic,
- autistic,
- averse,
- bashful,
- battling,
- bellicose,
- belligerent,
- bloodthirsty,
- bloody,
- bloody-minded,
- chauvinist,
- chauvinistic,
- chill,
- chilly,
- clashing,
- close,
- closed,
- cold,
- combative,
- competitive,
- con,
- conflicting,
- contentious,
- contradictory,
- contrary,
- cool,
- counter,
- cross,
- disaccordant,
- disaffected,
- disenchanted,
- disinclined,
- displeased,
- dissentient,
- dissociable,
- enemy,
- ferocious,
- fierce,
- fighting,
- fractious,
- frosty,
- full of fight,
- hawkish,
- hostile,
- icy,
- ill,
- incompatible,
- inhospitable,
- inimical,
- insociable,
- jingo,
- jingoish,
- jingoist,
- jingoistic,
- martial,
- militant,
- militaristic,
- military,
- mopey,
- mopish,
- morose,
- negative,
- noncooperative,
- nongregarious,
- not charmed,
- obstinate,
- offensive,
- opponent,
- opposed,
- opposing,
- opposite,
- oppositional,
- oppositive,
- oppugnant,
- overthwart,
- perverse,
- pugnacious,
- put off,
- quarrelsome,
- recalcitrant,
- refractory,
- repugnant,
- rival,
- saber-rattling,
- sanguinary,
- sanguineous,
- savage,
- scrappy,
- self-contained,
- self-sufficient,
- snug,
- socially incompatible,
- soldierlike,
- soldierly,
- strained,
- sullen,
- tense,
- trigger-happy,
- truculent,
- unamiable,
- unamicable,
- unclubbable,
- uncommunicative,
- uncompanionable,
- uncongenial,
- uncooperative,
- uncordial,
- unfavorable,
- ungenial,
- ungracious,
- unharmonious,
- unhospitable,
- unneighborly,
- unpacific,
- unpeaceable,
- unpeaceful,
- unpropitious,
- unreceptive,
- unsociable,
- unsocial,
- warlike,
- warmongering,
- warring