- abandoned,
- absolute,
- all-comprehensive,
- all-inclusive,
- bibulous,
- boundless,
- countless,
- crapulent,
- crapulous,
- endless,
- eternal,
- excessive,
- exhaustless,
- extending everywhere,
- extravagant,
- extreme,
- full,
- gluttonous,
- go-go,
- illimitable,
- illimited,
- immeasurable,
- immense,
- immoderate,
- incalculable,
- incomprehensible,
- incontinent,
- indefinite,
- indulgent,
- inestimable,
- inexhaustible,
- infinite,
- infinitely continuous,
- innumerable,
- inordinate,
- intemperate,
- interminable,
- interminate,
- irrepressible,
- lax,
- licentious,
- limitless,
- loose,
- measureless,
- no end of,
- no strings,
- nonrestrictive,
- numberless,
- open,
- out of control,
- out of hand,
- overindulgent,
- overindulging,
- perfect,
- permissive,
- perpetual,
- plenary,
- prodigal,
- rampant,
- reinless,
- riotous,
- self-indulgent,
- shoreless,
- sumless,
- swinish,
- termless,
- too much,
- unbound,
- unbounded,
- unbridled,
- unchecked,
- uncircumscribed,
- uncoerced,
- uncompelled,
- unconditional,
- unconditioned,
- unconfined,
- unconstrained,
- uncontrolled,
- uncountable,
- uncounted,
- uncurbed,
- undisciplined,
- unequivocal,
- unfathomable,
- unforced,
- unfrugal,
- ungoverned,
- uninhibited,
- universal,
- unlimited,
- unmastered,
- unmeasurable,
- unmuzzled,
- unnumbered,
- unplumbed,
- unqualified,
- unreined,
- unrepressed,
- unreserved,
- unrestrained,
- unrestricted,
- unrestrictive,
- unruly,
- unsubdued,
- unsuppressed,
- unthrifty,
- untold,
- wanton,
- wide-open,
- wild,
- without bound,
- without end,
- without limit,
- without measure,
- without number,
- without strings