- able,
- behind the curtain,
- behind the scenes,
- camouflaged,
- concealed,
- disguised,
- enigmatic,
- hidden,
- imperceptible,
- incalculable,
- incognizable,
- indiscernible,
- insensible,
- invisible,
- latent,
- mysterious,
- out of sight,
- puzzling,
- sealed,
- secret,
- sightless,
- strange,
- submerged,
- unapparent,
- unapprehended,
- unascertained,
- unbeheld,
- unbeholdable,
- unbeknown,
- uncharted,
- unclassified,
- unconsidered,
- undescried,
- undetected,
- undiscernible,
- undisclosed,
- undiscoverable,
- undiscovered,
- undivulged,
- unexplained,
- unexplored,
- unexposed,
- unfamiliar,
- unfathomed,
- unheard,
- unheard-of,
- unheeded,
- unidentified,
- uninvestigated,
- unknowable,
- unknown,
- unmarked,
- unminded,
- unmissed,
- unnoted,
- unnoticed,
- unobserved,
- unperceivable,
- unplumbed,
- unrealized,
- unregarded,
- unremarked,
- unrevealed,
- unseeable,
- unseen,
- unsolved,
- unspied,
- unsuspected,
- unthought-of,
- untouched,
- untraced,
- untracked,
- unviewed,
- unwitnessed,
- viewless,
- virgin