- a hog for,
- acquisitive,
- all-devouring,
- anguished,
- anxious,
- avaricious,
- avid,
- beefing,
- bellyaching,
- bitching,
- bored,
- bottomless,
- cheerless,
- complaining,
- complaintful,
- concupiscent,
- coveting,
- covetous,
- crabbing,
- crabby,
- cranky,
- croaking,
- depressed,
- devouring,
- disappointed,
- discontented,
- disgruntled,
- disgusted,
- displeased,
- dissatisfied,
- ejaculatory,
- envious,
- esurient,
- faultfinding,
- gluttonous,
- goatish,
- gobbling,
- grabby,
- grasping,
- greedy,
- grim,
- griping,
- grouchy,
- grousing,
- growling,
- grumbling,
- hoggish,
- horny,
- hot,
- hot-blooded,
- insatiable,
- insatiate,
- itching,
- joyless,
- lascivious,
- libidinous,
- lickerish,
- limitless,
- lustful,
- malcontent,
- malcontented,
- mercenary,
- miserly,
- money-hungry,
- money-mad,
- murmuring,
- muttering,
- nauseated,
- nauseous,
- omnivorous,
- orgasmic,
- orgastic,
- out of humor,
- overgreedy,
- passionate,
- peevish,
- petulant,
- piggish,
- pleasureless,
- prey to malaise,
- prurient,
- quenchless,
- querulant,
- querulous,
- randy,
- rapacious,
- ravening,
- ravenous,
- rebellious,
- repelled,
- resentful,
- restive,
- restless,
- revolted,
- sad,
- salacious,
- sex-starved,
- sexy,
- sickened,
- slakeless,
- sordid,
- steamy,
- suffering angst,
- sulky,
- swinish,
- unaccepting,
- unaccommodating,
- unappeasable,
- unappeased,
- uneasy,
- unfulfilled,
- ungratified,
- unhappy,
- unquenchable,
- unquiet,
- unsated,
- unslakeable,
- unslaked,
- venal,
- voracious,
- whiny