Exact Match:
- untouched
- still full; "an untouched cocktail in her hand"
- not having come in contact
- able,
- artless,
- bright,
- callous,
- callow,
- dewy,
- enigmatic,
- entire,
- ever-new,
- evergreen,
- extra,
- firsthand,
- flawless,
- fledgling,
- fresh,
- good,
- green,
- hard,
- hardened,
- harmless,
- held back,
- held in reserve,
- held out,
- immature,
- immune,
- immunized,
- impenitent,
- in abeyance,
- in hand,
- in the raw,
- inartificial,
- incalculable,
- incognizable,
- insolent,
- insured,
- intact,
- inviolate,
- maiden,
- maidenly,
- mint,
- mysterious,
- native,
- natural,
- neoteric,
- nestling,
- new,
- obdurate,
- original,
- perfect,
- pristine,
- protected,
- put aside,
- put by,
- puzzling,
- raw,
- reserve,
- safe,
- safe and sound,
- saved,
- scatheless,
- sealed,
- secure,
- sempervirent,
- sound,
- spare,
- stored,
- strange,
- suspended,
- to spare,
- unabject,
- unaffected,
- unanimated,
- unapparent,
- unapplied,
- unapprehended,
- unascertained,
- unbeaten,
- unbeknown,
- unblemished,
- unbroken,
- unbruised,
- uncharted,
- unclassified,
- unconsumed,
- uncontrite,
- undamaged,
- undefaced,
- undeformed,
- undemolished,
- undestroyed,
- undeveloped,
- undisclosed,
- undiscoverable,
- undiscovered,
- undivulged,
- unemployed,
- unexercised,
- unexpended,
- unexplained,
- unexplored,
- unexposed,
- unfaded,
- unfamiliar,
- unfathomed,
- unfledged,
- unhandled,
- unharmed,
- unheard,
- unheard-of,
- unhurt,
- unidentified,
- unimpaired,
- unimpressed,
- uninjured,
- uninspired,
- uninvestigated,
- unknowable,
- unknown,
- unmaimed,
- unmangled,
- unmarked,
- unmarred,
- unmelted,
- unmoved,
- unperceived,
- unplumbed,
- unrepentant,
- unrepenting,
- unrevealed,
- unruffled,
- unscarred,
- unscathed,
- unscratched,
- unshattered,
- unsoftened,
- unspent,
- unspoiled,
- unstirred,
- unstruck,
- unsullied,
- unsuspected,
- untapped,
- unthreatened,
- untorn,
- untried,
- untrodden,
- unused,
- unutilized,
- unwithered,
- unworn,
- vernal,
- virgin,
- virginal,
- waived,
- young