Exact Match:
- verbiage
- overabundance of words
- choice of words,
- circumambages,
- circumbendibus,
- circumlocution,
- cloud of words,
- composition,
- dialect,
- diction,
- expansiveness,
- expression,
- floridity,
- floridness,
- flow of words,
- flux of words,
- formulation,
- grammar,
- idiom,
- language,
- lexicon,
- lexis,
- locution,
- logorrhea,
- long-windedness,
- longiloquence,
- nimiety,
- parlance,
- periphrase,
- periphrasis,
- phrase,
- phraseology,
- phrasing,
- pleonasm,
- prolixity,
- redundancy,
- repetition,
- rhetoric,
- roundabout,
- speech,
- stock of words,
- talk,
- talkativeness,
- tautology,
- thesaurus,
- usage,
- use of words,
- usus loquendi,
- verbalism,
- verbality,
- verbosity,
- vocabulary,
- wordage,
- wordhoard,
- wordiness,
- wording,
- words