Exact Match:
- Atlas
- a figure of a man used as a supporting column
- the 1st cervical vertebra
- a collection of maps in book form
- (Greek mythology) a Titan who was forced by Zeus to bear the sky on his shoulders
- Antaeus,
- Asp,
- Asroc,
- Atlas-Agena,
- Atlas-Centaur,
- Briareus,
- Brobdingnagian,
- Bullpup,
- Cajun,
- Charles Atlas,
- Corporal,
- Corvus,
- Crossbow,
- Cyclops,
- Dart,
- Deacon,
- Delta,
- Diamant,
- Dove,
- Falcon,
- Firebee,
- Gargantua,
- Genie,
- Goliath,
- Hawk,
- Hercules,
- Holy Moses,
- Hound Dog,
- Jupiter,
- Lacrosse,
- Lark,
- Loki,
- Loon,
- Mace,
- Matador,
- Navaho,
- Nike,
- Nike Ajax,
- Orion,
- Pershing,
- Petrel,
- Polaris,
- Polyphemus,
- Poseidon,
- Quail,
- Ram,
- Rascal,
- Redeye,
- Redstone,
- Regulus I,
- Samson,
- Saturn,
- Scout,
- Sentinel,
- Sergeant,
- Shillelagh,
- Sidewinder,
- Skybolt,
- Snark,
- Spaerobee,
- Sparrow,
- Subroc,
- Super Talos,
- Superman,
- Talos,
- Tartar,
- Tarzan,
- Telamon,
- Terrier,
- Thor,
- Thor Able Star,
- Thor-Agena,
- Thor-Delta,
- Tiny Tim,
- Titan,
- V-2,
- Viking,
- WAC-Corporal,
- Wagtail,
- Zuni,
- bully,
- bullyboy,
- colossus,
- giant,
- gorilla,
- muscle man,
- powerhouse,
- stalwart,
- strong man,
- strong-arm man,
- the mighty,
- the strong,
- tough,
- tough guy,
- tower of strength