Exact Match:
- Ewe
- female sheep
- a Kwa language spoken by the Ewe in Ghana and Togo and Benin
- a member of a people living in southern Benin and Togo and southeastern Ghana
- Partlet,
- bellwether,
- biddy,
- bitch,
- bossy,
- brood mare,
- cow,
- doe,
- ewe lamb,
- filly,
- guinea hen,
- gyp,
- heifer,
- hen,
- hind,
- jenny,
- jumbuck,
- lamb,
- lambkin,
- lioness,
- mare,
- mutton,
- nanny,
- nanny goat,
- peahen,
- ram,
- roe,
- she-bear,
- she-goat,
- she-lion,
- sheep,
- slut,
- sow,
- teg,
- tigress,
- tup,
- vixen,
- wether,
- yeanling