Exact Match:
- affiliate
- a subsidiary or subordinate organization that is affiliated with another organization; "network affiliates"
- a subordinate or subsidiary associate; a person who is affiliated with another or with an organization
- join in an affiliation; "The two colleges affiliated"
- join in an affiliation; "They affiliated themselves with the organization"
- Americanize,
- Anglicize,
- Greek,
- accept,
- acculturate,
- acculturize,
- act in concert,
- act together,
- admit,
- adopt,
- affiliate to,
- affiliate with,
- affiliated,
- allied,
- ally,
- amalgamate,
- approve,
- arm,
- assimilate,
- associate,
- associated,
- band,
- band together,
- be in cahoots,
- be in league,
- belonger,
- bound,
- bracketed,
- branch,
- branch office,
- brother,
- bunch,
- bunch up,
- cabal,
- cabalistic,
- card-carrier,
- card-carrying member,
- cardholder,
- carry,
- cement a union,
- centralize,
- chapter,
- charter member,
- club,
- club together,
- clubber,
- clubman,
- clubwoman,
- coact,
- coalesce,
- collaborate,
- collateral,
- collude,
- combine,
- come into,
- come together,
- committeeman,
- comrade,
- concert,
- concord,
- concur,
- confederate,
- confederated,
- confer citizenship,
- conjugate,
- connected,
- consociate,
- consolidate,
- conspiratorial,
- conspire,
- conventioneer,
- conventioner,
- conventionist,
- cooperate,
- corporate,
- correlated,
- couple,
- coupled,
- creep in,
- derive from,
- division,
- do business with,
- dues-paying member,
- embrace,
- enleagued,
- enlist,
- enlistee,
- enroll,
- enrollee,
- enter,
- espouse,
- father,
- federalize,
- federate,
- federated,
- fellow,
- filiate to,
- fraternity man,
- fuse,
- gang,
- gang up,
- get heads together,
- get into,
- get together,
- go in for,
- go in partners,
- go in partnership,
- go into,
- go native,
- go partners,
- guildsman,
- hang together,
- harmonize,
- hold together,
- honorary member,
- hook up,
- hook up with,
- implicated,
- in cahoots,
- in league,
- in partnership,
- in with,
- initiate,
- insider,
- interlinked,
- interlocked,
- interrelated,
- involved,
- join,
- join forces,
- join fortunes with,
- join in,
- join together,
- join up,
- join up with,
- join with,
- joined,
- joiner,
- keep together,
- knotted,
- league,
- league together,
- league with,
- leagued,
- life member,
- linked,
- local,
- lodge,
- make common cause,
- married,
- marry,
- member,
- merge,
- naturalize,
- of that ilk,
- of that kind,
- offshoot,
- one of us,
- organ,
- organize,
- pair,
- pair off,
- paired,
- parallel,
- partner,
- partners with,
- pass,
- play ball,
- pledge,
- post,
- pull together,
- put heads together,
- ratify,
- reciprocate,
- related,
- sign on,
- sign up,
- sister,
- sneak in,
- socius,
- sorority girl,
- sorority woman,
- spliced,
- stand together,
- stand up with,
- take out membership,
- take up,
- take up membership,
- team up,
- team up with,
- team with,
- teamed,
- throw in together,
- throw in with,
- tie in,
- tie in with,
- tie up,
- tie up with,
- tied,
- trace to,
- twinned,
- unionize,
- unite,
- unite efforts,
- unite with,
- wed,
- wedded,
- wing,
- work together,
- yoked