Exact Match:
- animism
- the doctrine that all natural objects and the universe itself have souls; "animism is common among primitive peoples"
- Berkeleianism,
- Hegelianism,
- Kantianism,
- Neoplatonism,
- Platonic form,
- Platonic idea,
- Platonism,
- absolute idealism,
- allotheism,
- animatism,
- form,
- heathendom,
- heathenism,
- heathenry,
- hylozoism,
- idealism,
- idolatry,
- immaterialism,
- metaphysical idealism,
- monistic idealism,
- pagandom,
- paganism,
- paganry,
- panpsychism,
- personalism,
- psychism,
- solipsism,
- spiritualism,
- subjectivism,
- transcendental,
- universal