- Anglophobia,
- Jim Crow,
- Jim Crow law,
- Russophobia,
- abhorrence,
- abomination,
- antipathy,
- apartheid,
- aversion,
- bigotry,
- black power,
- black supremacy,
- chauvinism,
- class consciousness,
- class distinction,
- class hatred,
- class prejudice,
- class war,
- color bar,
- color line,
- despitefulness,
- detestation,
- discrimination,
- dislike,
- execration,
- fascism,
- hate,
- hatred,
- know-nothingism,
- loathing,
- male chauvinist,
- malevolence,
- malice,
- malignity,
- minority prejudice,
- misandry,
- misanthropy,
- misogyny,
- odium,
- race hatred,
- race prejudice,
- race snobbery,
- racial discrimination,
- racialism,
- racism,
- red-baiting,
- repugnance,
- segregation,
- sex discrimination,
- sexism,
- social barrier,
- social discrimination,
- spite,
- spitefulness,
- superpatriotism,
- ultranationalism,
- vials of hate,
- vials of wrath,
- white power,
- white supremacy,
- xenophobia