Exact Match:
- anxious
- causing or fraught with or showing anxiety; "spent an anxious night waiting for the test results"; "cast anxious glances behind her"; "those nervous moments before takeoff"; "an unquiet mind"
- aching,
- aghast,
- agitated,
- agog,
- alacritous,
- alarmed,
- all agog,
- all-overish,
- anguished,
- animated,
- annoyed,
- antsy,
- antsy-pantsy,
- anxioused up,
- apprehensive,
- ardent,
- athirst,
- avid,
- beset,
- bored,
- bothered,
- breathless,
- bursting to,
- careful,
- cautious,
- chafing,
- cheerless,
- concerned,
- depressed,
- desirous,
- disgusted,
- disquieted,
- distressed,
- disturbed,
- eager,
- edgy,
- embarrassed,
- enthusiastic,
- excited,
- fearful,
- foreboding,
- forward,
- fretful,
- fretting,
- frightened,
- full of life,
- grim,
- harassed,
- hasty,
- hopped-up,
- ill at ease,
- impatient,
- impetuous,
- importunate,
- in a lather,
- in a pucker,
- in a stew,
- in a sweat,
- in suspense,
- inconvenienced,
- irked,
- jittery,
- joyless,
- keen,
- keyed-up,
- lively,
- longing,
- misgiving,
- nauseated,
- nauseous,
- nervous,
- on edge,
- on tenterhooks,
- on tiptoe,
- overanxious,
- overapprehensive,
- panting,
- perturbed,
- plagued,
- pleasureless,
- pressing,
- prey to malaise,
- prompt,
- put to it,
- puzzled,
- qualmish,
- qualmy,
- quick,
- quivering,
- raring to,
- ready,
- ready and willing,
- repelled,
- restive,
- restless,
- revolted,
- sad,
- scared,
- scary,
- sickened,
- solicitous,
- sore beset,
- spirited,
- squirming,
- squirmy,
- strained,
- suffering angst,
- suspenseful,
- taut,
- tense,
- terrified,
- thirsty,
- troubled,
- uncertain,
- uneasy,
- unfulfilled,
- ungratified,
- unhappy,
- unpatient,
- unquiet,
- unsatisfied,
- upset,
- urgent,
- vexed,
- vital,
- vivacious,
- vivid,
- wary,
- watchful,
- with bated breath,
- with muscles tense,
- worried,
- yearning,
- zealous,
- zestful