Exact Match:
- assault
- a threatened or attempted physical attack by someone who appears to be able to cause bodily harm if not stopped
- close fighting during the culmination of a military attack
- thoroughbred that won the triple crown in 1946
- abuse,
- aggravated assault,
- aggression,
- ambush,
- amphibious attack,
- armed assault,
- assail,
- assailing,
- assailment,
- attack,
- banzai attack,
- barbarize,
- batter,
- battering,
- battery,
- bear,
- bear upon,
- beat up,
- beating,
- berating,
- beset,
- bitter words,
- blackening,
- blitz,
- blitzkrieg,
- boost,
- breakthrough,
- bruise,
- brutalize,
- buck,
- bull,
- bulldoze,
- bump,
- bump against,
- bunt,
- burn,
- bushwhack,
- butcher,
- butchery,
- butt,
- butt against,
- carry on,
- censure,
- charge,
- citation,
- come at,
- come down on,
- contumely,
- counterattack,
- counteroffensive,
- coup de main,
- crack down on,
- cram,
- crippling attack,
- crowd,
- dead set at,
- descend on,
- descend upon,
- descent on,
- destroy,
- diatribe,
- dig,
- disorderliness,
- diversion,
- diversionary attack,
- drive,
- elbow,
- execration,
- fall on,
- fall upon,
- flank attack,
- force,
- forcible seizure,
- frontal attack,
- gang up on,
- gas attack,
- go at,
- go for,
- go on,
- goad,
- hammer,
- hard words,
- harm,
- harry,
- have at,
- head-on attack,
- hit,
- hit like lightning,
- hold-up,
- hurtle,
- hustle,
- implication,
- impugnment,
- incrimination,
- inculpation,
- incursion,
- infiltration,
- invasion,
- invective,
- involvement,
- jab,
- jam,
- jawing,
- jeremiad,
- jog,
- joggle,
- jolt,
- jostle,
- jump,
- killing,
- land on,
- lay at,
- lay hands on,
- lay into,
- lay waste,
- laying waste,
- light into,
- lightning attack,
- lightning war,
- loot,
- looting,
- mass attack,
- massacre,
- maul,
- megadeath,
- molest,
- molestation,
- mug,
- mugging,
- nudge,
- obstreperousness,
- offense,
- offensive,
- onset,
- onslaught,
- overkill,
- panzer warfare,
- philippic,
- pile drive,
- pillage,
- pillaging,
- pitch into,
- poke,
- pounce upon,
- pound,
- press,
- prod,
- punch,
- push,
- rage,
- raid,
- ram,
- ram down,
- ramp,
- rampage,
- rant,
- rape,
- rating,
- rattle,
- rave,
- revilement,
- riot,
- rioting,
- roar,
- ruin,
- run,
- run against,
- run at,
- rush,
- sack,
- sacking,
- sail into,
- sally,
- savage,
- screed,
- set on,
- set upon,
- shake,
- shock tactics,
- shoulder,
- shove,
- slaughter,
- smite,
- sortie,
- sow chaos,
- sowing with salt,
- storm,
- stress,
- strike,
- surprise,
- swoop down on,
- take the offensive,
- tamp,
- tear,
- tear around,
- terrorize,
- thrust,
- tirade,
- tongue-lashing,
- unprovoked assault,
- unruliness,
- vandalize,
- vilification,
- violate,
- violation,
- vituperation,
- wade into,
- wreck