Exact Match:
- astronomic
- inconceivably large
- relating or belonging to the science of astronomy; "astronomic telescope"
- Atlantean,
- Brobdingnagian,
- Cyclopean,
- Cynthian,
- Gargantuan,
- Herculean,
- Homeric,
- abysmal,
- amplitudinous,
- anagalactic,
- asteroidal,
- astral,
- astrologic,
- astrologistic,
- astrologous,
- astronomical,
- astrophysical,
- awesome,
- boundless,
- bulky,
- celestial,
- circumplanetary,
- cislunar,
- colossal,
- cosmic,
- elephantine,
- empyreal,
- empyrean,
- enormous,
- epic,
- equinoctial,
- extensive,
- extragalactic,
- galactic,
- giant,
- giantlike,
- gigantic,
- heavenly,
- heliacal,
- heroic,
- huge,
- immeasurable,
- immense,
- infinite,
- intercosmic,
- interplanetary,
- intersidereal,
- interstellar,
- jumbo,
- king-size,
- large,
- lunar,
- lunary,
- lunate,
- lunular,
- lunulate,
- mammoth,
- massive,
- massy,
- meteoric,
- meteoritic,
- mighty,
- monster,
- monstrous,
- monumental,
- mountainous,
- nebular,
- nebulose,
- nebulous,
- outsize,
- overgrown,
- planetal,
- planetarian,
- planetary,
- planetesimal,
- prodigious,
- profound,
- semilunar,
- sidereal,
- sizable,
- solar,
- spacious,
- sphery,
- star-spangled,
- star-studded,
- starry,
- stellar,
- stellary,
- stupendous,
- terrestrial,
- titanic,
- towering,
- tremendous,
- uranic,
- vast,
- voluminous,
- weighty,
- zodiacal