Exact Match:
- birthright
- personal characteristics that are inherited at birth
- a right or privilege that you are entitled to at birth; "free public education is the birthright of every American child"
- an inheritance coming by right of birth (especially by primogeniture)
- appanage,
- appurtenance,
- authority,
- bequeathal,
- bequest,
- borough-English,
- claim,
- coheirship,
- conjugal right,
- coparcenary,
- demand,
- divine right,
- droit,
- due,
- entail,
- faculty,
- gavelkind,
- heirloom,
- heirship,
- hereditament,
- heritable,
- heritage,
- heritance,
- inalienable right,
- incorporeal hereditament,
- inheritance,
- interest,
- law of succession,
- legacy,
- line of succession,
- mode of succession,
- natural right,
- patrimony,
- perquisite,
- postremogeniture,
- power,
- prerogative,
- prescription,
- presumptive right,
- pretense,
- pretension,
- primogeniture,
- privilege,
- proper claim,
- property right,
- reversion,
- right,
- succession,
- title,
- ultimogeniture,
- vested interest,
- vested right