Exact Match:
- blanket
- bedding that keeps a person warm in bed; "he pulled the covers over his head and went to sleep"
- a layer of lead surrounding the highly reactive core of a nuclear reactor
- anything that covers; "there was a blanket of snow"
- cover as if with a blanket; "snow blanketed the fields"
- form a blanket-like cover (over)
- across-the-board,
- afghan,
- all-comprehensive,
- all-inclusive,
- apply to,
- becloud,
- bed linen,
- bedclothes,
- bedcover,
- bedding,
- bedsheet,
- bedspread,
- befog,
- blind,
- block,
- buffalo robe,
- camouflage,
- canopy,
- cap,
- case,
- casual,
- cloak,
- clothe,
- clothes,
- cloud,
- coat,
- comfort,
- comforter,
- compendious,
- complete,
- comprehensive,
- conceal,
- contour sheet,
- cope,
- counterpane,
- cover,
- cover up,
- coverage,
- covering,
- coverlet,
- coverlid,
- covert,
- coverture,
- cowl,
- cowling,
- crown,
- curtain,
- disguise,
- dissemble,
- distract attention from,
- drape,
- drapery,
- eclipse,
- eiderdown,
- encyclopedic,
- ensconce,
- enshroud,
- envelop,
- film,
- fitted sheet,
- general,
- global,
- gloss over,
- guise,
- hanging,
- hide,
- hood,
- housing,
- imprudent,
- indiscreet,
- indiscriminate,
- indiscriminative,
- insensitive,
- keep under cover,
- lap robe,
- lay on,
- lay over,
- linen,
- mantle,
- mask,
- muffle,
- nonjudgmental,
- obduce,
- obfuscate,
- obscure,
- occult,
- omnibus,
- over-all,
- overcast,
- overlay,
- overspread,
- pall,
- panoramic,
- patchwork quilt,
- pillow slip,
- pillowcase,
- promiscuous,
- put on,
- quilt,
- robe,
- rug,
- screen,
- scum,
- shade,
- sheet,
- sheeting,
- shelter,
- shield,
- shroud,
- slip,
- slur over,
- spread,
- spread over,
- superimpose,
- superpose,
- sweeping,
- synoptic,
- tactless,
- total,
- uncritical,
- uncriticizing,
- undemanding,
- undifferentiating,
- undiscreet,
- undiscriminating,
- undiscriminative,
- unexacting,
- unfastidious,
- universal,
- unmeticulous,
- unparticular,
- unselective,
- unsubtle,
- untactful,
- varnish,
- veil,
- vestment,
- whitewash,
- whole,
- wholesale,
- without exception,
- without omission