Exact Match:
- boxcars
- (usually plural) when two dice are thrown and both come up showing six spots the result is called `boxcars'
- L,
- Sexagesima,
- boxcar,
- dozen,
- duodecimo,
- eighty,
- eleven,
- fifteen,
- fifty,
- five and twenty,
- fortnight,
- forty,
- four and twenty,
- fourscore,
- fourscore and ten,
- fourteen,
- half a hundred,
- long dozen,
- ninety,
- nonagenarian,
- octogenarian,
- quindecennial,
- quindecim,
- quindecima,
- quindene,
- score,
- septuagenarian,
- seventy,
- sexagenarian,
- sexagenary,
- sexagesimo-quarto,
- sixteen,
- sixteenmo,
- sixty,
- sixty-four,
- sixty-fourmo,
- teens,
- thirteen,
- thirty-two,
- thirty-twomo,
- threescore,
- threescore and ten,
- twelve,
- twelvemo,
- twenty,
- twenty-five,
- twenty-four,
- twenty-fourmo,
- two dozen,
- two weeks,
- twoscore