Exact Match:
- breathless
- appearing dead; not breathing or having no perceptible pulse; "an inanimate body"; "pulseless and dead"
- not breathing or able to breathe except with difficulty; "breathless at thought of what I had done"; "breathless from running"; "followed the match with breathless interest"
- tending to cause suspension of regular breathing; "a breathless flight"; "breathtaking adventure"
- ablaze,
- abrupt,
- afire,
- agape,
- aghast,
- agog,
- airless,
- alacritous,
- all agog,
- amazed,
- anaudic,
- animated,
- antsy,
- antsy-pantsy,
- anxious,
- aphasic,
- aphonic,
- ardent,
- asleep,
- asleep in Jesus,
- astonished,
- astounded,
- at gaze,
- at rest,
- athirst,
- avid,
- awed,
- awestruck,
- beguiled,
- bereft of life,
- bewildered,
- bewitched,
- boiling over,
- breakneck,
- breezeless,
- burning,
- bursting to,
- called home,
- captivated,
- carrion,
- chafing,
- close,
- confounded,
- cordial,
- croaked,
- dead,
- dead and gone,
- death-struck,
- deceased,
- defunct,
- delirious,
- demised,
- departed,
- departed this life,
- desirous,
- destitute of life,
- done for,
- drunk,
- dumb,
- dumbfounded,
- dumbstricken,
- dumbstruck,
- eager,
- edgy,
- enchanted,
- enraptured,
- enravished,
- enthralled,
- enthusiastic,
- entranced,
- exanimate,
- excited,
- exhausted,
- exuberant,
- fallen,
- fascinated,
- febrile,
- fervent,
- fervid,
- fevered,
- feverish,
- fiery,
- finished,
- flabbergasted,
- flaming,
- flushed,
- food for worms,
- forward,
- fretful,
- fretting,
- full of life,
- gaping,
- gasping,
- gauping,
- gazing,
- glowing,
- gone,
- gone to glory,
- gone west,
- hasty,
- headlong,
- hearty,
- heated,
- hopped-up,
- hot,
- hypnotized,
- ill-ventilated,
- impassioned,
- impatient,
- impetuous,
- impulsive,
- in a lather,
- in a stew,
- in a sweat,
- in awe,
- in awe of,
- in suspense,
- inanimate,
- inarticulate,
- intense,
- intoxicated,
- keen,
- late,
- late lamented,
- launched into eternity,
- lifeless,
- lively,
- lost in wonder,
- martyred,
- marveling,
- mesmerized,
- mum,
- mute,
- no more,
- on edge,
- on fire,
- open-eyed,
- openmouthed,
- oppressive,
- out of breath,
- overwhelmed,
- panting,
- passed on,
- passionate,
- popeyed,
- precipitant,
- precipitate,
- precipitous,
- prompt,
- puffed,
- puffing,
- pushing up daisies,
- puzzled,
- quick,
- rapt in wonder,
- raring to,
- rash,
- ready,
- ready and willing,
- red-hot,
- released,
- reposing,
- resting easy,
- restive,
- restless,
- sainted,
- short-breathed,
- short-winded,
- sleeping,
- smitten with death,
- speechless,
- spellbound,
- spent,
- spirited,
- squirming,
- squirmy,
- staggered,
- staring,
- steaming,
- steamy,
- stifling,
- still,
- stillborn,
- stricken dumb,
- stuffy,
- stupefied,
- sudden,
- suffocating,
- sultry,
- surprised,
- taken away,
- taken off,
- thirsty,
- thunderstruck,
- tired out,
- tongue-tied,
- tongueless,
- under a charm,
- uneasy,
- unpatient,
- unquiet,
- unrestrained,
- unvented,
- unventilated,
- vigorous,
- vital,
- vivacious,
- vivid,
- voiceless,
- warm,
- wheezing,
- wide-eyed,
- winded,
- windless,
- with the Lord,
- with the saints,
- without life,
- without vital functions,
- wonder-struck,
- wondering,
- wordless,
- worn out,
- zealous,
- zestful