Exact Match:
- budget
- a summary of intended expenditures along with proposals for how to meet them; "the president submitted the annual budget to Congress"
- a sum of money allocated for a particular purpose; "the laboratory runs on a budget of a million a year"
- make a budget
- Swiss bank account,
- abundance,
- accounts,
- accounts payable,
- accounts receivable,
- accumulation,
- agenda,
- aggregate,
- allotment,
- allowance,
- amassment,
- amount,
- assets,
- backlog,
- balance,
- bale,
- bank account,
- batch,
- batting order,
- big end,
- bigger half,
- bill,
- bill of fare,
- bindle,
- bit,
- bite,
- blueprint,
- bolt,
- book,
- bottom dollar,
- bouquet,
- budget items,
- budgeting,
- bulk,
- bunch,
- bundle,
- burden of expenditure,
- calendar,
- card,
- carrying charge,
- carte du jour,
- cash reserves,
- charges,
- cheap,
- checking account,
- chunk,
- clutch,
- collection,
- command of money,
- commissariat,
- commissary,
- commission,
- contingent,
- cornucopia,
- cost,
- cost of living,
- cost out,
- cost-of-living allowance,
- cost-of-living index,
- costing-out,
- costs,
- count,
- cumulation,
- cut,
- deal,
- deck,
- destiny,
- direct costs,
- disbursals,
- disburse,
- distributed costs,
- dividend,
- docket,
- dole,
- dose,
- dump,
- easy,
- economic,
- economy,
- end,
- equal share,
- exchequer,
- expend,
- expenditures,
- expense,
- expense account,
- expenses,
- fagot,
- fardel,
- fasces,
- fascine,
- fate,
- finances,
- fork out,
- frugal,
- fund,
- funds,
- general expenses,
- go through,
- gob,
- group,
- half,
- halver,
- heap,
- helping,
- hoard,
- hunk,
- incur costs,
- indirect costs,
- inexpensive,
- interest,
- inventory,
- invest,
- kitty,
- labor costs,
- larder,
- large amount,
- lay out,
- liabilities,
- life savings,
- line up,
- lineup,
- list of agenda,
- lot,
- low,
- low-priced,
- manageable,
- mass,
- material,
- material costs,
- materials,
- materiel,
- means,
- measure,
- meed,
- menu,
- mess,
- moderate,
- modest,
- modicum,
- moiety,
- moneys,
- munitions,
- nest egg,
- nominal,
- nosegay,
- number,
- open the purse,
- operating costs,
- operating expense,
- outlay,
- outstanding accounts,
- overhead,
- pack,
- package,
- packet,
- parcel,
- part,
- pay,
- pay out,
- pecuniary resources,
- percentage,
- piece,
- pile,
- playbill,
- plenitude,
- plenty,
- pocket,
- pool,
- portion,
- posy,
- prime cost,
- program,
- program of operation,
- programma,
- proportion,
- prospectus,
- protocol,
- provisionment,
- provisions,
- purse,
- put out,
- quantity,
- quantum,
- quiver,
- quota,
- rake-off,
- ration,
- rations,
- reasonable,
- receipts,
- repertoire,
- repertory,
- replacement cost,
- reserves,
- resources,
- rick,
- roll,
- roster,
- rouleau,
- run through,
- savings,
- savings account,
- schedule,
- segment,
- sensible,
- shabby,
- share,
- shoddy,
- sink money in,
- slate,
- slice,
- small amount,
- small share,
- spend,
- splurge,
- squander,
- stack,
- stake,
- stock,
- stock-in-trade,
- stockpile,
- store,
- stores,
- substance,
- sum,
- supplies,
- supply on hand,
- swindle sheet,
- throw money around,
- token,
- total,
- treasure,
- treasury,
- truss,
- unexpensive,
- unit cost,
- unpaid accounts,
- unregistered bank account,
- wherewithal,
- within means,
- worth the money