Exact Match:
- carelessness
- the quality of not being careful or taking pains
- abandon,
- absentmindedness,
- accidia,
- acedia,
- aloofness,
- apathy,
- ataraxia,
- ataraxy,
- blowziness,
- blunderheadedness,
- blundering,
- boggling,
- boredom,
- botchery,
- botching,
- bungling,
- caprice,
- careless abandon,
- casualness,
- chintziness,
- cursoriness,
- desperateness,
- detachment,
- devil-may-careness,
- disinterest,
- disinterestedness,
- dispassion,
- disregard,
- disregardfulness,
- distraction,
- dowdiness,
- easiness,
- easygoingness,
- flightiness,
- flippancy,
- forgetfulness,
- frivolousness,
- frowziness,
- frumpishness,
- fumbling,
- furiousness,
- giddiness,
- grubbiness,
- haste,
- hastiness,
- heedlessness,
- hotheadedness,
- hurriedness,
- impassiveness,
- impassivity,
- impetuosity,
- impetuousness,
- impotence,
- imprecision,
- inadvertence,
- inadvertency,
- inattention,
- inattentiveness,
- inconsiderateness,
- inconsideration,
- incuriosity,
- incuriousness,
- indifference,
- indifferentism,
- indifferentness,
- indiscrimination,
- inexcitability,
- inobservance,
- insouciance,
- intellectual inertia,
- lack of affect,
- lack of foresight,
- lack of interest,
- lackadaisicalness,
- laxity,
- laxness,
- laziness,
- leniency,
- levity,
- lightmindedness,
- listlessness,
- looseness,
- loosening,
- messiness,
- mindlessness,
- muffing,
- negligence,
- nonchalance,
- nonobservance,
- oblivion,
- obliviousness,
- offhandedness,
- overeagerness,
- overenthusiasm,
- overindulgence,
- overpermissiveness,
- overzealousness,
- perfunctoriness,
- permissiveness,
- pococurantism,
- precipitance,
- precipitancy,
- precipitateness,
- precipitation,
- precipitousness,
- recklessness,
- regardlessness,
- relaxation,
- relaxedness,
- remissness,
- seediness,
- shabbiness,
- shallowness,
- shoddiness,
- slackness,
- slatternliness,
- slipshodness,
- sloppiness,
- sloth,
- slovenliness,
- slovenry,
- sluttishness,
- softness,
- sordidness,
- sprezzatura,
- squalidness,
- squalor,
- stolidity,
- superficiality,
- tackiness,
- tactlessness,
- tawdriness,
- thoughtlessness,
- too many cooks,
- unalertness,
- unanxiousness,
- unawareness,
- unconcern,
- unconsciousness,
- unheedfulness,
- uninquisitiveness,
- unintentiveness,
- uninterestedness,
- unmindfulness,
- unneatness,
- unobservance,
- unpreparedness,
- unreadiness,
- unrestraint,
- unsolicitousness,
- unsolicitude,
- unthinkingness,
- unthoughtfulness,
- untidiness,
- unwariness,
- unwatchfulness,
- wantonness,
- weakness,
- wildness,
- withdrawal