Exact Match:
- carol
- a joyful song (usually celebrating the birth of Christ)
- joyful religious song celebrating the birth of Christ
- sing carols; "They went caroling on Christmas Day"
- Brautlied,
- Christmas carol,
- Kunstlied,
- Liebeslied,
- Volkslied,
- alba,
- anthem,
- art song,
- aubade,
- ballad,
- ballade,
- ballata,
- barcarole,
- blues,
- blues song,
- boat song,
- bridal hymn,
- brindisi,
- cackle,
- call,
- calypso,
- canso,
- canticle,
- canzone,
- canzonet,
- canzonetta,
- caper,
- caracole,
- cavatina,
- caw,
- chanson,
- chant,
- chantey,
- chatter,
- cheep,
- chirk,
- chirp,
- chirr,
- chirrup,
- chitter,
- choir,
- chorus,
- chuck,
- clack,
- clap hands,
- cluck,
- cock-a-doodle-doo,
- coo,
- croak,
- cronk,
- croon,
- croon song,
- crow,
- cuckoo,
- dance,
- delight,
- descant,
- dirge,
- ditty,
- do-re-mi,
- drinking song,
- drum,
- epithalamium,
- exult,
- folk song,
- frisk,
- frolic,
- gabble,
- gaggle,
- gambol,
- glory,
- gobble,
- guggle,
- honk,
- hoo,
- hoot,
- hum,
- hymeneal,
- hymn,
- intonate,
- intone,
- joy,
- jubilate,
- lay,
- lied,
- lilt,
- love song,
- love-lilt,
- matin,
- minstrel,
- minstrel song,
- minstrelsy,
- national anthem,
- peep,
- pip,
- pipe,
- prothalamium,
- psalm,
- quack,
- quaver,
- rejoice,
- revel,
- roll,
- rollick,
- romp,
- roulade,
- scold,
- serena,
- serenade,
- serenata,
- shake,
- sing,
- sing in chorus,
- skip,
- skip for joy,
- sol-fa,
- solmizate,
- song,
- squawk,
- theme song,
- torch song,
- tremolo,
- trill,
- troll,
- tweedle,
- tweedledee,
- tweet,
- twit,
- twitter,
- vocalize,
- war song,
- warble,
- wedding song,
- whistle,
- yodel