Exact Match:
- cast off
- make the last row of stitches when knitting
- abandon,
- abandoned,
- abrupt,
- abstract,
- adrift,
- afloat,
- alienate,
- aweigh,
- break ground,
- cast,
- cast aside,
- cast away,
- cast loose,
- cast out,
- castaway,
- cat the anchor,
- chuck,
- clear,
- clear away,
- clear out,
- clear the decks,
- cut adrift,
- cut off,
- cut out,
- deep-six,
- delete,
- depart,
- deport,
- derelict,
- detach,
- disarticulate,
- discard,
- discarded,
- disconnect,
- disengage,
- disjoin,
- disjoint,
- disowned,
- dispel,
- dispose of,
- dissociate,
- disunite,
- ditch,
- divide,
- divorce,
- do away with,
- doff,
- douse,
- drop,
- drop the mooring,
- dump,
- eighty-six,
- eject,
- elide,
- eliminate,
- eradicate,
- estrange,
- exile,
- expatriate,
- expel,
- exterminate,
- fling off,
- forsaken,
- free,
- get quit of,
- get rid of,
- get shut of,
- give away,
- isolate,
- jettison,
- jilt,
- leave,
- liberate,
- liquidate,
- loose,
- loose for sea,
- loosen,
- outcast,
- outlaw,
- outside the gates,
- outside the pale,
- part,
- part with,
- pick out,
- pull away,
- pull back,
- pull out,
- purge,
- put off,
- reject,
- rejected,
- release,
- remove,
- root out,
- root up,
- segregate,
- separate,
- sequester,
- set apart,
- set aside,
- shake off,
- shoo,
- shut off,
- slip out of,
- slough,
- split,
- stand aloof,
- stand apart,
- stand aside,
- started,
- step aside,
- step out of,
- strike off,
- strike out,
- subtract,
- take off,
- throw away,
- throw off,
- throw out,
- throw over,
- throw overboard,
- toss overboard,
- unanchored,
- unbar,
- unbind,
- unbolt,
- unbuckle,
- unbutton,
- unchain,
- unclasp,
- uncouple,
- undo,
- unfasten,
- unfetter,
- unglue,
- unlace,
- unlatch,
- unleash,
- unlock,
- unloose,
- unloosen,
- unmoor,
- unmoored,
- unstick,
- unstrap,
- untie,
- untied,
- unwrap,
- unyoke,
- up-anchor,
- weed out,
- weigh anchor,
- withdraw