Exact Match:
- chant
- a repetitive song in which as many syllables as necessary are assigned to a single tone
- recite with musical intonation; recite as a chant or a psalm; "The rabbi chanted a prayer"
- Agnus Dei,
- Benedicite,
- Brautlied,
- Christmas carol,
- Gloria,
- Gloria Patri,
- Gloria in Excelsis,
- Introit,
- Kunstlied,
- Liebeslied,
- Magnificat,
- Miserere,
- Nunc Dimittis,
- Te Deum,
- Trisagion,
- Vedic hymn,
- Volkslied,
- alba,
- alleluia,
- answer,
- anthem,
- antiphon,
- antiphony,
- art song,
- aubade,
- ballad,
- ballade,
- ballata,
- barcarole,
- bark,
- bawl,
- bellow,
- bis,
- blare,
- blat,
- blubber,
- blues,
- blues song,
- boat song,
- bob,
- boom,
- bray,
- breathe,
- bridal hymn,
- brindisi,
- burden,
- buzz,
- cackle,
- calypso,
- canso,
- canticle,
- canzone,
- canzonet,
- canzonetta,
- carol,
- cavatina,
- chanson,
- chantey,
- chirp,
- chirrup,
- choir,
- chorale,
- chorus,
- coo,
- croon,
- croon song,
- crow,
- descant,
- dirge,
- ditto,
- ditty,
- do-re-mi,
- doxology,
- drawl,
- drinking song,
- epithalamium,
- exclaim,
- flute,
- folk song,
- gasp,
- growl,
- grunt,
- hallelujah,
- hiss,
- hosanna,
- hum,
- hymeneal,
- hymn,
- hymn of praise,
- hymnody,
- hymnography,
- hymnology,
- intonate,
- intone,
- keen,
- laud,
- lay,
- lied,
- lilt,
- love song,
- love-lilt,
- mantra,
- matin,
- minstrel,
- minstrel song,
- minstrelsy,
- monody,
- motet,
- mumble,
- murmur,
- mutter,
- national anthem,
- offertory,
- offertory sentence,
- paean,
- pant,
- pipe,
- prothalamium,
- psalm,
- psalmody,
- quaver,
- refrain,
- repeat,
- repetend,
- report,
- response,
- responsory,
- ritornello,
- roar,
- roulade,
- rumble,
- scream,
- screech,
- serena,
- serenade,
- serenata,
- shake,
- shriek,
- sibilate,
- sigh,
- sing,
- sing in chorus,
- singsong,
- snap,
- snarl,
- snort,
- sob,
- sol-fa,
- solmizate,
- song,
- squall,
- squawk,
- squeal,
- theme song,
- thunder,
- torch song,
- tremolo,
- trill,
- troll,
- trumpet,
- tune,
- twang,
- tweedle,
- tweedledee,
- twit,
- twitter,
- undersong,
- versicle,
- vocalize,
- wail,
- war song,
- warble,
- wedding song,
- whine,
- whisper,
- whistle,
- yap,
- yawp,
- yell,
- yelp,
- yodel