- avoidance,
- avoiding reaction,
- bamboozlement,
- befooling,
- bluffing,
- buck-passing,
- calculated deception,
- conning,
- deceiving,
- deception,
- deceptiveness,
- defense mechanism,
- defrauding,
- delusion,
- delusiveness,
- dodge,
- duck,
- dupery,
- elusion,
- elusiveness,
- enmeshment,
- ensnarement,
- entanglement,
- entrapment,
- equivocation,
- escape,
- evasion,
- evasive action,
- evasiveness,
- fallaciousness,
- fallacy,
- falseness,
- flimflam,
- flimflammery,
- foiling,
- fond illusion,
- fooling,
- forbearance,
- forestalling,
- forestallment,
- frustration,
- getting around,
- getting round,
- hallucination,
- hoodwinking,
- illusion,
- jink,
- kidding,
- mirage,
- neutrality,
- nonintervention,
- noninvolvement,
- outguessing,
- outmaneuvering,
- outwitting,
- overreaching,
- passing the buck,
- phantasm,
- prevention,
- putting on,
- refraining,
- self-deception,
- shunning,
- shunting off,
- shy,
- sidestep,
- sidetracking,
- slip,
- snow job,
- song and dance,
- spoofery,
- spoofing,
- subterfuge,
- swindling,
- the runaround,
- the slip,
- thwarting,
- trickiness,
- tricking,
- victimization,
- vision,
- willful misconception,
- wishful thinking,
- zigzag