memory device consisting of a long thin plastic strip coated with iron oxide; used to record audio or video signals or to store computer information; "he took along a dozen tapes to record the interview"
a detailed plan or explanation to guide you in setting standards or determining a course of action; "the president said he had a road map for normalizing relations with Vietnam"
the level of official classification for documents next above restricted and below secret; available only to persons authorized to see documents so classified
denoting confidence or intimacy; "a confidential approach"; "in confidential tone of voice"
(of information) given in confidence or in secret; "this arrangement must be kept confidential"; "their secret communications"
entrusted with private information and the confidence of another; "a confidential secretary"
(Greek mythology) 7 daughters of Atlas and half-sisters of the Pleiades; they nurtured the infant Dionysus and Zeus placed them among the stars as a reward