Exact Match:
- clay
- United States politician responsible for the Missouri Compromise between free and slave states (1777-1852)
- United States general who commanded United States forces in Europe from 1945 to 1949 and who oversaw the Berlin airlift (1897-1978)
- a very fine-grained soil that is plastic when moist but hard when fired
- Adam,
- Hominidae,
- Homo sapiens,
- Missouri meerschaum,
- acres,
- alluvion,
- alluvium,
- anatomy,
- arable land,
- ashes,
- blubber,
- body,
- bones,
- breeze,
- briar,
- briar pipe,
- butter,
- cadaver,
- calean,
- calumet,
- carcass,
- carrion,
- china,
- china clay,
- china stone,
- churchwarden,
- clod,
- corncob,
- corncob pipe,
- corpse,
- corpus,
- corpus delicti,
- crowbait,
- crust,
- cushion,
- dead body,
- dead man,
- dead person,
- decedent,
- dirt,
- dough,
- down,
- dry bones,
- dry land,
- dust,
- earth,
- eiderdown,
- embalmed corpse,
- enamel,
- fallen humanity,
- feather bed,
- feathers,
- figure,
- fireclay,
- fleece,
- flesh,
- floss,
- flue,
- fluff,
- flux,
- foam,
- food for worms,
- form,
- frame,
- freehold,
- generation of man,
- genus Homo,
- glaze,
- glebe,
- grassland,
- ground,
- gumbo,
- hominid,
- homo,
- hookah,
- hubble-bubble,
- hulk,
- human family,
- human nature,
- human race,
- human species,
- humanity,
- humankind,
- kaolin,
- kapok,
- land,
- landholdings,
- late lamented,
- le genre humain,
- lithosphere,
- man,
- mankind,
- marginal land,
- marl,
- material body,
- meerschaum,
- mire,
- mold,
- mortal flesh,
- mortal remains,
- mortality,
- mortals,
- muck,
- mud,
- mummification,
- mummy,
- nargileh,
- ooze,
- organic remains,
- peace pipe,
- person,
- petuntse,
- physical body,
- physique,
- pillow,
- pipe,
- pipe cleaner,
- pipe rack,
- plush,
- porcelain,
- porcelain clay,
- pudding,
- puff,
- putty,
- race of man,
- real estate,
- real property,
- refractory,
- refractory clay,
- region,
- regolith,
- relics,
- reliquiae,
- remains,
- rubber,
- satin,
- silk,
- skeleton,
- slime,
- slip,
- slob,
- slop,
- slosh,
- sludge,
- slush,
- sod,
- soil,
- soma,
- squash,
- stiff,
- subaerial deposit,
- subsoil,
- swansdown,
- swill,
- tenement of clay,
- terra,
- terra firma,
- terrain,
- territory,
- the country,
- the dead,
- the deceased,
- the defunct,
- the departed,
- the loved one,
- thistledown,
- tobacco pipe,
- tobacco pouch,
- topsoil,
- torso,
- trunk,
- velvet,
- water pipe,
- wax,
- woodland,
- wool,
- zephyr