Exact Match:
- clubfoot
- congenital deformity of the foot usually marked by a curled shape or twisted position of the ankle and heel and toes
- arch,
- bowlegs,
- camelback,
- cleft palate,
- crookback,
- defacement,
- deformation,
- deformity,
- digit,
- disfigurement,
- dog,
- extremity,
- fetlock,
- flatfoot,
- foot,
- forefoot,
- forepaw,
- freakishness,
- harefoot,
- harelip,
- heel,
- hoof,
- humpback,
- hunchback,
- instep,
- knock-knee,
- kyphosis,
- lordosis,
- malconformation,
- malformation,
- misproportion,
- misshape,
- monstrosity,
- mutilation,
- pad,
- pastern,
- patte,
- paw,
- pedal extremity,
- pedes,
- pes,
- pied,
- pug,
- sole,
- splayfoot,
- swayback,
- talipes,
- teratology,
- toe,
- tootsy,
- torticollis,
- trotter,
- truncation,
- ungula,
- valgus,
- wryneck