Exact Match:
- condescension
- affability to your inferiors and temporary disregard for differences of position or rank; "the queen's condescension was intended to make us feel comfortable"
- the trait of displaying arrogance by patronizing those considered inferior
- a communication that indicates lack of respect by patronizing the recipient
- Olympian detachment,
- Olympian loftiness,
- arrogance,
- arrogantness,
- assumption of superiority,
- condescendence,
- deigning,
- domineering,
- domineeringness,
- haughtiness,
- haughty airs,
- hauteur,
- high horse,
- hoity-toitiness,
- hoity-toity,
- loftiness,
- overbearing pride,
- overbearingness,
- overweening pride,
- patronization,
- patronizing,
- patronizing attitude,
- pride,
- proudness,
- purse-pride,
- side,
- stiff-necked pride,
- superbia,
- toploftiness,
- uppishness,
- uppityness