- abnormal,
- absonant,
- aggravated,
- arrested,
- atonal,
- babbling,
- backward,
- batty,
- bereft of reason,
- blemished,
- blithering,
- brainsick,
- brassy,
- brazen,
- broken,
- burbling,
- burned,
- burst,
- busted,
- cacophonous,
- checked,
- chinky,
- chipped,
- choked,
- cicatrized,
- cleft,
- cloven,
- coarse,
- crackbrained,
- crazed,
- crazy,
- cretinistic,
- cretinous,
- croaking,
- croaky,
- cut,
- daft,
- damaged,
- defaced,
- defective,
- deformed,
- dehiscent,
- deluded,
- demented,
- deprived of reason,
- deranged,
- deteriorated,
- diaphonic,
- disconsonant,
- discordant,
- disfigured,
- disharmonic,
- disharmonious,
- disoriented,
- dissonant,
- distorted,
- distraught,
- dithering,
- driveling,
- drooling,
- dry,
- embittered,
- exacerbated,
- faulty,
- fissured,
- fissury,
- flat,
- flawed,
- flighty,
- gaping,
- gappy,
- grating,
- gruff,
- guttural,
- half-baked,
- half-witted,
- hallucinated,
- harmed,
- harsh,
- harsh-sounding,
- hoarse,
- hurt,
- husky,
- idiotic,
- imbecile,
- imbecilic,
- immelodious,
- impaired,
- imperfect,
- in bits,
- in pieces,
- in shards,
- in shreds,
- inharmonic,
- inharmonious,
- injured,
- insane,
- irrational,
- irritated,
- keloidal,
- kinked,
- lacerate,
- lacerated,
- loco,
- lunatic,
- mad,
- maddened,
- mangled,
- maniac,
- manic,
- marred,
- maundering,
- mazed,
- mental,
- mentally defective,
- mentally deficient,
- mentally handicapped,
- mentally retarded,
- meshuggah,
- metallic,
- mongoloid,
- moon-struck,
- moronic,
- musicless,
- mutilated,
- non compos,
- non compos mentis,
- nonmelodious,
- not all there,
- not right,
- nuts,
- odd,
- of unsound mind,
- off,
- off-key,
- off-tone,
- out of pitch,
- out of tone,
- out of tune,
- pimpled,
- pimply,
- psycho,
- quartered,
- queer,
- ragged,
- raucid,
- raucous,
- reasonless,
- rent,
- retarded,
- rift,
- rimose,
- rimulose,
- riven,
- rough,
- roupy,
- rude,
- ruptured,
- scabbed,
- scabby,
- scalded,
- scarified,
- scarred,
- scorched,
- screwy,
- senseless,
- severed,
- sharp,
- shattered,
- shredded,
- shrill,
- sick,
- simple,
- simpleminded,
- simpletonian,
- slashed,
- slit,
- slobbering,
- smashed,
- sour,
- splintered,
- split,
- sprung,
- squawking,
- squawky,
- stark-mad,
- stark-staring mad,
- stertorous,
- strange,
- strangled,
- strident,
- subnormal,
- tattered,
- tetched,
- the worse for,
- thick,
- throaty,
- tinny,
- torn,
- touched,
- tuneless,
- twisted,
- unbalanced,
- unharmonious,
- unhinged,
- unmelodious,
- unmusical,
- unsane,
- unsettled,
- unsound,
- untunable,
- untuned,
- untuneful,
- wandering,
- warped,
- weakened,
- witless,
- worse,
- worse off,
- worsened