Exact Match:
- cranky
- easily irritated or annoyed; "an incorrigibly fractious young man"; "not the least nettlesome of his countrymen"
- abnormal,
- anomalous,
- antagonistic,
- antipathetic,
- arbitrary,
- at cross-purposes,
- at loggerheads,
- at odds,
- at variance,
- at war,
- bearish,
- beefing,
- bellyaching,
- bitching,
- bitchy,
- breakaway,
- cankered,
- cantankerous,
- capricious,
- choleric,
- churlish,
- clashing,
- complaining,
- complaintful,
- conflicting,
- contentious,
- contradicting,
- contradictory,
- contrary,
- counteractant,
- counteracting,
- counteractive,
- countervailing,
- counterworking,
- crabbed,
- crabbing,
- crabby,
- crackbrained,
- cracked,
- crackers,
- crank,
- crankish,
- crazed,
- crazy,
- croaking,
- cross,
- cross-grained,
- crotchety,
- crusty,
- cuckoo,
- cussed,
- daffy,
- daft,
- deviant,
- deviative,
- different,
- differing,
- difficult,
- disaccordant,
- disagreeable,
- disagreeing,
- disappointed,
- discontented,
- discordant,
- discrepant,
- disgruntled,
- disharmonious,
- displeased,
- disproportionate,
- dissatisfied,
- dissident,
- dissonant,
- divergent,
- dotty,
- eccentric,
- envious,
- erratic,
- exceptional,
- excitable,
- fanciful,
- fantasied,
- fantastic,
- faultfinding,
- feisty,
- fey,
- flaky,
- fractious,
- freakish,
- froward,
- funny,
- grating,
- griping,
- grouchy,
- grousing,
- growling,
- gruff,
- grumbling,
- harebrained,
- hostile,
- hot-tempered,
- huffish,
- huffy,
- humorsome,
- idiocratic,
- idiosyncratic,
- ill-humored,
- immiscible,
- inaccordant,
- incompatible,
- inharmonious,
- inimical,
- irascible,
- irregular,
- irritable,
- jangling,
- jarring,
- kinky,
- kooky,
- maggoty,
- malcontent,
- malcontented,
- mean,
- moody,
- motiveless,
- murmuring,
- muttering,
- negative,
- nonconformist,
- notional,
- nutty,
- odd,
- oddball,
- opposing,
- oppositional,
- oppugnant,
- ornery,
- out of accord,
- out of humor,
- out of sorts,
- out of whack,
- peculiar,
- peevish,
- perverse,
- petulant,
- queer,
- querulant,
- querulous,
- quick-tempered,
- quirky,
- ratty,
- reactionary,
- rebellious,
- recalcitrant,
- renitent,
- repugnant,
- resentful,
- resistant,
- restive,
- restless,
- revolutionary,
- screwball,
- screwy,
- short-tempered,
- singular,
- snappish,
- spiteful,
- spleeny,
- splenetic,
- strange,
- sulky,
- surly,
- temperamental,
- testy,
- tetchy,
- touchy,
- twisted,
- ugly,
- unaccepting,
- unaccommodating,
- uncongenial,
- unconventional,
- uneasy,
- unfulfilled,
- ungratified,
- unhappy,
- unharmonious,
- unnatural,
- unreasonable,
- unrestrained,
- unsatisfied,
- vagarious,
- vagrant,
- variant,
- vinegarish,
- vinegary,
- wacky,
- wanton,
- waspish,
- wayward,
- weird,
- whimsical,
- whiny