Exact Match:
- crying
- the process of shedding tears (usually accompanied by sobs or other inarticulate sounds); "I hate to hear the crying of a child"; "she was in tears"
- noisy with or as if with loud cries and shouts; "a crying mass of rioters"; "shouting fans"; "the yelling fiend"
- acute,
- atrocious,
- bawling,
- blatant,
- blubbering,
- boanergean,
- brawling,
- burning,
- clamant,
- clamorous,
- clamoursome,
- compelling,
- critical,
- crucial,
- cry,
- demanding,
- desperate,
- dire,
- dissolved in tears,
- draining,
- exacting,
- exigent,
- exorbitant,
- extortionate,
- fit of crying,
- flood of tears,
- good cry,
- grasping,
- greet,
- heinous,
- high-pressure,
- high-priority,
- howling,
- imperative,
- imperious,
- importunate,
- in tears,
- insistent,
- instant,
- lachryma,
- lachrymal,
- lachrymose,
- lachrymosity,
- lacrimatory,
- loud,
- loudmouthed,
- lowing,
- melting mood,
- monstrous,
- mugient,
- necessary,
- needed,
- noisy,
- obstreperous,
- openmouthed,
- overflowing eyes,
- persistent,
- pertinacious,
- pivotal,
- pressing,
- puling,
- ready to cry,
- scandalous,
- screaming,
- shocking,
- shouting,
- sniveling,
- sobbing,
- taxing,
- tear,
- tear bottle,
- teardrop,
- tearful,
- tearful eyes,
- tearfulness,
- tears,
- teary,
- ululant,
- urgent,
- vociferant,
- vociferating,
- vociferous,
- wailing,
- weepiness,
- weeping,
- weepy,
- whimpering,
- whining,
- with eyes suffused,
- yammering,
- yapping,
- yelling,
- yelping