Exact Match:
- deal
- the act of apportioning or distributing something; "the captain was entrusted with the deal of provisions"
- the act of distributing playing cards; "the deal was passed around the table clockwise"
- a particular instance of buying or selling; "it was a package deal"; "I had no further trade with him"; "he's a master of the business deal"
- the type of treatment received (especially as the result of an agreement); "he got a good deal on his car"
- a plank of softwood (fir or pine board)
- do business; offer for sale as for one's livelihood; "She deals in gold"; "The brothers sell shoes"
- sell; "deal hashish"
- distribute to the players in a game; "Who's dealing?"
- give (a specific card) to a player; "He dealt me the Queen of Spades"
- take action with respect to (someone or something); "How are we going to deal with this problem?"; "The teacher knew how to deal with these lazy students"
- behave in a certain way towards others; "He deals fairly with his employees"
- Byzantine intrigues,
- abatement of differences,
- accommodation,
- accord,
- act,
- act on,
- adjustment,
- administer,
- affair,
- afford,
- agreement,
- align,
- allocate,
- allot,
- allotment,
- allow,
- allowance,
- amount,
- apportion,
- arrangement,
- array,
- attempt,
- attend to,
- award,
- backstairs influence,
- bang,
- bargain,
- barter,
- bash,
- bat,
- batch,
- beam,
- behave,
- belt,
- bestow,
- bestow on,
- biff,
- big end,
- bigger half,
- billet,
- binding agreement,
- bit,
- bite,
- blind bargain,
- board,
- boarding,
- bond,
- bonk,
- budget,
- bunch,
- business,
- business deal,
- buy and sell,
- cartel,
- change,
- chunk,
- clap,
- clapboard,
- clip,
- clobber,
- clout,
- clump,
- clutch,
- coat,
- coating,
- coldcock,
- collective agreement,
- collocate,
- collop,
- commercial transaction,
- commission,
- commitment,
- communicate,
- compact,
- compose,
- composition,
- compromise,
- concession,
- confer,
- connections,
- considerable,
- consortium,
- contingent,
- contract,
- convention,
- cop-out,
- cord,
- cordwood,
- count,
- covenant,
- covenant of salt,
- covering,
- crack,
- cut,
- dash,
- deal a blow,
- deal out,
- deal with,
- deals,
- deck,
- deliver,
- desertion of principle,
- destiny,
- dicker,
- disburse,
- dish out,
- disk,
- dispense,
- disperse,
- dispose,
- distribute,
- divide,
- dividend,
- divvy,
- do business,
- dole,
- dole out,
- donate,
- dose,
- driftwood,
- effort,
- employment contract,
- end,
- engage in,
- engagement,
- enterprise,
- equal share,
- evasion of responsibility,
- exchange,
- extend,
- extent,
- fate,
- fetch,
- fetch a blow,
- feuille,
- film,
- firewood,
- fix,
- flap,
- foil,
- fold,
- fork out,
- formal agreement,
- games,
- gift,
- gift with,
- give,
- give freely,
- give in exchange,
- give out,
- give-and-take,
- giving way,
- gob,
- gobs,
- good deal,
- grant,
- grapple with,
- great deal,
- group,
- half,
- halver,
- hand out,
- handle,
- hard bargain,
- hardwood,
- heap,
- heaps,
- help to,
- helping,
- hit,
- hit a clip,
- horse trade,
- horse-trade,
- hunk,
- impart,
- inflict,
- influence peddling,
- interchange,
- interest,
- intrigues,
- ironclad agreement,
- issue,
- jab,
- knock,
- knock cold,
- knock down,
- knock out,
- lamella,
- lamina,
- laminated glass,
- laminated wood,
- lap,
- large amount,
- lashings,
- lath,
- lathing,
- lathwork,
- lavish,
- leaf,
- legal agreement,
- legal contract,
- let have,
- let have it,
- line,
- line up,
- loads,
- lobbying,
- lobbyism,
- log,
- lot,
- lots,
- lumber,
- marshal,
- measure,
- measure out,
- meed,
- membrane,
- mess,
- mete,
- mete out,
- mint,
- modicum,
- moiety,
- mutual agreement,
- mutual concession,
- negotiation,
- number,
- obligation,
- offer,
- oodles,
- operation,
- pack,
- package deal,
- pact,
- paction,
- pane,
- panel,
- panelboard,
- paneling,
- panelwork,
- parcel,
- parcel out,
- part,
- partake,
- participate,
- partition,
- pass around,
- paste,
- patina,
- pay out,
- peck,
- peel,
- pellicle,
- percentage,
- piece,
- pile,
- piles,
- place,
- plait,
- plan,
- plank,
- planking,
- plate,
- plating,
- ploys,
- plunk,
- ply,
- plyboard,
- plywood,
- poke,
- pole,
- portion,
- portion out,
- post,
- pot,
- pour,
- present,
- proffer,
- program,
- project,
- promise,
- proportion,
- proposition,
- protocol,
- punch,
- puncheon,
- quantity,
- quantum,
- quite a little,
- quota,
- raft,
- rafts,
- rain,
- rake-off,
- rally,
- range,
- rasher,
- ration,
- reckon with,
- regiment,
- render,
- ropes,
- safety glass,
- scads,
- schemes,
- scum,
- see to,
- segment,
- serve,
- set out,
- settlement,
- shake,
- share,
- sheathing,
- sheathing board,
- sheet,
- sheeting,
- shell out,
- shingle,
- shower,
- sideboard,
- siding,
- sight,
- skin,
- slab,
- slam,
- slat,
- slew,
- slews,
- slice,
- slip,
- slog,
- slug,
- smack,
- small amount,
- small share,
- smite,
- snap,
- snow,
- soak,
- sock,
- softwood,
- space,
- spate,
- splat,
- spoon out,
- stack,
- stacks,
- stake,
- stave,
- stick,
- stick of wood,
- stipulation,
- stock,
- stovewood,
- strike,
- strike at,
- strings,
- sum,
- surrender,
- swap,
- swap horses,
- swat,
- swipe,
- switch,
- table,
- tablet,
- take care of,
- take in exchange,
- task,
- tender,
- three-by-four,
- thump,
- thwack,
- tidy sum,
- timber,
- timbering,
- timberwork,
- trade,
- trade in,
- trade off,
- trade sight unseen,
- trade-in,
- traffic,
- transaction,
- treat,
- truck,
- turn,
- two-by-four,
- understanding,
- undertaking,
- union contract,
- valid contract,
- veneer,
- venture,
- vouchsafe,
- wad,
- wads,
- wafer,
- wage contract,
- wallop,
- weatherboard,
- whack,
- wham,
- whole slew,
- whop,
- wire-pulling,
- wires,
- wood,
- work,
- yerk,
- yield,
- yielding