Exact Match:
- deformity
- an affliction in which some part of the body is misshapen or malformed
- aberration,
- abnormality,
- absurdity,
- acute disease,
- affection,
- affliction,
- ailment,
- allergic disease,
- allergy,
- amputee,
- anticness,
- atrophy,
- awfulness,
- bacterial disease,
- birth defect,
- birthmark,
- bizarreness,
- bizarrerie,
- blackhead,
- bleb,
- blemish,
- blight,
- blister,
- bowlegs,
- bulla,
- camelback,
- cardiovascular disease,
- check,
- chronic disease,
- cicatrix,
- circulatory disease,
- cleft palate,
- clubfoot,
- comedo,
- complaint,
- complication,
- condition,
- congenital defect,
- crack,
- crater,
- craze,
- cripple,
- crookback,
- curiousness,
- damage,
- defacement,
- defect,
- defective,
- deficiency disease,
- deformation,
- degenerative disease,
- disability,
- disease,
- disfiguration,
- disfigurement,
- disorder,
- distemper,
- distortion,
- dreadfulness,
- endemic,
- endemic disease,
- endocrine disease,
- epidemic disease,
- fantasticality,
- fault,
- flatfoot,
- flaw,
- forbiddingness,
- freakishness,
- freckle,
- frightfulness,
- functional disease,
- fungus disease,
- gastrointestinal disease,
- genetic disease,
- ghastliness,
- grisliness,
- grotesqueness,
- grotesquerie,
- gruesomeness,
- handicap,
- handicapped person,
- harelip,
- hemangioma,
- hereditary disease,
- hickey,
- hideousness,
- horribleness,
- horridness,
- humpback,
- hunchback,
- iatrogenic disease,
- idiot,
- illness,
- imbecile,
- impairment,
- incapable,
- indisposition,
- infectious disease,
- infirmity,
- injury,
- irregularity,
- keloid,
- kink,
- knock-knee,
- kyphosis,
- lentigo,
- loathsomeness,
- lordosis,
- malady,
- malaise,
- malconformation,
- malformation,
- milium,
- misproportion,
- misshape,
- misshapenness,
- mole,
- monstrosity,
- monstrousness,
- morbidity,
- morbus,
- muscular disease,
- mutilation,
- needle scar,
- neurological disease,
- nevus,
- nutritional disease,
- occupational disease,
- oddity,
- offensiveness,
- organic disease,
- outlandishness,
- pandemic disease,
- paralytic,
- paraplegic,
- pathological condition,
- pathology,
- peculiarity,
- pimple,
- pit,
- plant disease,
- pock,
- pockmark,
- port-wine mark,
- port-wine stain,
- protozoan disease,
- psychosomatic disease,
- pustule,
- quadriplegic,
- quaintness,
- queerness,
- repugnantness,
- repulsiveness,
- respiratory disease,
- rift,
- rockiness,
- scab,
- scar,
- scratch,
- sebaceous cyst,
- secondary disease,
- seediness,
- sickishness,
- sickness,
- signs,
- singularity,
- splayfoot,
- split,
- strangeness,
- strawberry mark,
- sty,
- swayback,
- symptomatology,
- symptomology,
- symptoms,
- syndrome,
- talipes,
- teratism,
- teratology,
- terribleness,
- the crippled,
- the handicapped,
- the pip,
- torticollis,
- track,
- truncation,
- twist,
- unnaturalness,
- urogenital disease,
- valgus,
- verruca,
- vesicle,
- virus disease,
- wale,
- warp,
- wart,
- wasting disease,
- weal,
- weirdness,
- welt,
- wen,
- whitehead,
- worm disease,
- wryneck