Exact Match:
- defunct
- having ceased to exist or live; "the will of a defunct aunt"; "a defunct Indian tribe"
- SOL,
- ago,
- all bets off,
- all gone,
- all off,
- all over,
- all up,
- annihilated,
- antiquated,
- antique,
- asleep,
- asleep in Jesus,
- at an end,
- at rest,
- bereft of life,
- blown over,
- breathless,
- by,
- bygone,
- bypast,
- called home,
- canceled,
- carrion,
- cold,
- complete,
- concluded,
- croaked,
- dated,
- dead,
- dead and buried,
- dead and gone,
- death-struck,
- deceased,
- decided,
- deleted,
- demised,
- departed,
- departed this life,
- destitute of life,
- done,
- done for,
- done with,
- down the drain,
- elapsed,
- ended,
- exanimate,
- expired,
- expunged,
- extinct,
- fallen,
- fini,
- finished,
- food for worms,
- forgotten,
- gone,
- gone glimmering,
- gone to glory,
- gone west,
- gone-by,
- had it,
- has-been,
- inactive,
- inanimate,
- inapplicable,
- inert,
- inoperative,
- invalid,
- irrecoverable,
- kaput,
- kaputt,
- lapsed,
- late,
- late lamented,
- launched into eternity,
- lifeless,
- lost,
- martyred,
- no more,
- obsolete,
- out,
- outmoded,
- over,
- passe,
- passed,
- passed away,
- passed on,
- past,
- perfected,
- perished,
- pushing up daisies,
- released,
- reposing,
- resting easy,
- run out,
- sainted,
- set at rest,
- settled,
- shot,
- sleeping,
- smitten with death,
- still,
- stillborn,
- taken away,
- taken off,
- terminated,
- through,
- through with,
- unusable,
- unused,
- vanished,
- washed up,
- wiped out,
- with the Lord,
- with the saints,
- without life,
- without vital functions,
- wound up,
- zapped